Chapter 6

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Spectra's vision went blurry as she absorbed what Natasha just told her. Red room spies? She hadn't had contact with them since she ran away and now they attack the building she's coincidently in.

Coincidences are one of the many things she didn't believe in.

"Are you sure?" Andy asked and Natasha nodded a little. "How did they find place? Isn't it supposed to be hard to find? Who's dead out there? Are their double agents?" She spurted questions out one after another unsure what this meant or what to do. 

"Spectra, you have a lot of explaining to do." Tony called and she looked over at the group of people staring at the two girls.

"You think I had something to do with this?!" Andy asked as her voice raised.

"Obviously! You hide that you're like the hulk and Pietro and a trained assassin from the place that made the black widow then we get attacked!" Tony yelled back and Bruce out a hand on his shoulder.

"And the footage of the floor you and Clint were on was all static. It can't be a coincidence." Bruce said calmly, trying to calm everyone down.

"I don't believe in coincidences and you seriously think Clint would be alive if I was involved with this? I may be a trained assassin but I don't kill anymore. My killing days are over. If you think I would do anything to any one of you, you are very wrong. Now Clint, I would suggest you show me to the gym or my room before I punch a wall." She yelled, her hands clenched.

Clint looked at Steve before walking over to her and pulling her down the hall. He was pretty pissed off that his best friend didn't tell him something very important. 

"Ghost lady and Barton, you are making a big mistake." Thor's booming called through the hallway.

Clint ignored Thor and continued to pull Andy down the hall and around the corner.

"Did anyone else notice that she showed us her face?" Tony asked and Steve shot him a glare. "What?" He asked as all of them walked back into the room. 

Clint looked at Andy and she sat on the first bed she's had in awhile.

"What?" Andy asked when she noticed he was staring at her with his arms crossed.

"After all that just went down up there you just say what? You and Natasha are trained Russian assassins! I knew about Nat but you have abilities! You're strong as hell and you're fast and you're a spy? You were experimented on? You were put through hell and this is the you that hell spit back out! I admire the perseverance and everything but you need to get over yourself and tell us what the hell you're doing here and why spies that you trained with attacked our headquarters!" Clint said as his voice steadily and steadily grew louder.

"Excuse me, I'm not the one who got distracted by the other persons looks and almost got myself killed! You need to do your job and not get distracted!" She said and stood up and took a step towards him. She pulled off her jacket roughly and looked at him. "I need to get over myself? I hide what I hide for a reason and that reason will be known only to me!" She added getting in his face.

He looked at her as she was yelling, trying to ignore her green eyes that seemed to get greener when she was pissed.

"To be apart of this team you need to get over yourself. Being apart of a team means that you look out for more people than just yourself." He snapped and her eyes kind of glossed over as if she was remembering something and Clint just watched as she sat down on the bed slowly.

"Spectra?" He asked, realizing that she may be remembering something. He knelt down in front of her. "Andrea?" He asked and she snapped her gaze to him, her eyes still glazed over.

"Don't call me that." She spoke in a soft voice.

"Andrea?" He asked and this time she put her hands over her ears.

"Please stop!" She said and shook her head.

"Hey, Andy it's okay. I won't call you that anymore. You're okay." Clint said as he reached out and rubbed her arms softly.He ran his hands over her cold arms and she looked up at him.

"Can you give me some time alone?" She asked and he nodded a little and stood up slowly.

"I'll be in the room right across the hallway okay?" He asked getting a little worried since she looked like she was having a panic attack.

Andy nodded and watched him walk out of the room.

Spectra sighed gently and looked at her hands as she went back to normal.

Clint walked over to his room, looked back at her door before walking into his room.

Andy looked at the door and took a deep breath composing herself. She looked down at her hands and shook her head.

She got up and decided to explore the room as she thought of what just happened with Clint. 

The first thing she saw was a camera which she promptly flipped off and walked to the bathroom.

Again she looked around and saw the necessities of being a girl. She laughed a little and thought of Tony or even Natasha buying a stock like on female necessities. She walked back out to the room and looked around.

She ran her hand through her hair and sighed thinking of how Clint wanted to help her calm down and how she actually wanted him to help her. She didn't want him to go but she needed time and she can't get attached to someone that quickly. 

Clint was sitting on his bed and polishing his arrows but his mind was elsewhere. His mind was on her, on Spectra. There was something about her that made him want to know what she was hiding.He sighed and put his arrows down beside him and looked at the target on his wall and then to the door.

In a second he pulled an arrow I his bow and shot at the target. Off center, barley. He groaned and out his bow on his bedside table along with his bows.

He thought of the silver hair and the emerald green eyes. The mystery behind her eyes and the mystery behind every move she made.He needed to know what she was hiding and what she was like behind that mask that she wore. There was nothing that he wouldn't do to find out who she was.

He was going to find out who she was no matter what.

So I updated twice this week! I'm very proud so yay! And also I would like to thank everyone who is reading! 

Much love to everyone! 

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