Chapter 17

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I turned in bed and opened my eyes into the darkness, feeling Andy's grasp around my waist tighten. It was probably around 1am, maybe later, and somebody was banging on the front door downstairs. HARD.

"Babe...Andy!" I hissed under my breath, making him jump.

"Wha-...huh??" He sat up quickly, still half asleep.

"Shhh," I hushed him as he looked at me all confused.

"What's wrong Ash??" He got all worried.

"There's someone downstairs!" I mouthed.

"It's probably just one of the guys, don't worry."

"No, babe, someone's banging on the door."

"I'll go look okay," he got out of bed.

"Okay ..." I agreed. What if it was some crazy guy?? I turned on my cell phone as a light as I followed him into to dim hall.

When we got to the stairs, Andy signalled for me to stay there at the top, out of sight, just in case. I sat down on the step and peeked through the railings as I watched him. The banging on the door continued.

"Uh who is it?" Andy called, looking through the peep hole. The banging immediately came to a stop and there was no answer. "Who's there?" He asked again, to no answer. This was like a scary movie. Fuck..

Andy took the chain off the door and started to unlock it.

"No!" I hissed from the top of the stairs, about to run down and stop him.

Andy tried to open it slowly but the wind outside flung it open.

There, stood a figure.

It was my dad.

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