Chapter 4

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As i was halfway asleep, I noticed the hallway light flicker on, and then Andy's footsteps in the doorway. I opened one eye and just saw him standing there, looking at his feet. He knew I was awake by now, but I kept my eyes closed.

"I'm sorry, Ashley," he whispered. "I didn't mean to say anything I did. I love you. More than myself."

I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"Don't say that," I muttered, sitting up.

"What do you want me to say then?"

I didn't say anything. He looked over at the dresser droor and picked up the empty bottle of Advil.

"Unfortunately, there were none left to make things better," I mumbled, looking down.

"You were trying to k-kill yourself? Babe, no. "

He went over to me and looked at me for permission to sit beside me. I nodded and he took my hands, hesitantly.

"It's okay if you wanna get a divorce," I whispered, feeling the tears again. "I've lost your trust, I know."

"No, Ashy. Never. Just- I can't believe you slept with-"

"I didn't sleep with him. He just... I dunno," I shook my head and tried to lay down again.

"Well the hickey on my neck..." he began. "Was from my ex, Hailey. She wanted to get back together with me, and.... I just- I pushed her off though."

"How many exes do you have??" I asked.

"...Like 7? You?"

"Uhh you're my first, remember?" I reminded him. He chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry. I'll stay away from him."

"But he's your best friend. I know that'll be hard," he said.

"Yeah. I'll do my best."

He slowly leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away. He looked at me.

"And I'm sorry too, Ash."

I smiled weakly and pecked him on the nose. He smirked. I pulled the covers up and he climbed in with me, pulling his jeans off and tossing them to the side. He was only left with his boxers and black tank. I was only in shorts and a tank. We cuddled together and he kissed the top of my head. He smelled so good. Like axe.. and he was so warm. It was great to have him back.

"We never do anything sexual," he smirked, winking.

"Yeah we do," I smiled.

"Uh just that one time... please?"

"Noo," I got all shy.

"Pweeaase?" He asked again, kissing me passionately. Oh my God, he's so hard to say no to.

"Nuh uh," I said, resting my head into his neck.

"Fine, you win. But I love you way too much," he winked, tickling me.

"Ahh stop!" I grabbed his hands, giggling.

He chuckled lightly, and we fell asleep in eachother's arms.


Ashley's POV

I woke up in Andy's arms the next morning, yawning.

"Morning," he said in a sleepy voice, pulling me into him tighter. Gawd, his morning voice was so attractive...

"How long have you been up?" I asked, stretching out.

"A few minutes, I suppose."



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