Chapter 12

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"You always tell me everything's perfectly fine when I know it's not. And you know I can tell."

"Oh..." she said quietly, looking away. I couldn't tell if she was embarrassed, upset, or shy about it. But I needed to know. Whenever she's sad or depressed, sometimes she doesn't tell me. 

Maybe she's just trying to prove something when she's scared.

I tucked a finger under her chin and slightly made her look up. She looked at me with her clear blue eyes, her mascara was slightly smudged around her lashline.

Her eyes and soft pink lips... her perfect eyebrows, her natural blush, everything about her face was incredibley beautiful like an angel. 

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"Don't apologize, Ash. I know what you're always trying to do, to not look scared in front of me. It's one hundred percent okay."

"Why do you suppose I'm actually scared right now?"

"I can just tell by the way you stiffen your body. My arms are always around you."

"Hmm true," she nodded. "I'll share my feelings more then," she said softly with a smile. Damn she is too perfect.

I leaned forward to kiss her, but she ducked under my arm and I chased her back to the campsite, giggling.

I finally caught up to her and snatched her back by the waist, attacking her with kisses as she squealed with laughter.

"Staahhp," she giggled, pushing me away.

"Fine then," I winked. She kissed my jaw and pulled me to the bench setup as the sun came up. Streams of buttery yellow and orange sunlight flooded through the rectangular windows that were close to the ceiling.

I tried my hand at the phones again, but the telephone poles were still down.

We just sat there silently.

Suddenly, we heard the chatter of two guys laughing and rambling on outside, then the jingling of keys getting closed to the door. I quickly tapped on Ash's shoulder, waking her up from her nap against the rail.

"Wha-whaat?" She said half dazed and confused with sleepiness in her throat.

"I think the workers are coming. I hear them."

At that moment she sprung up automatically, almost bumping her head into mine.

"They're here?!"

I nodded as she jumped to her feet, way too eager to get out of here.

She was about to run to the entrances, but I grabbed her arm, yanking her back.



"What?" She mouthed.

"Maybe instead of causing problems when they come in..."

"We could hide and just slip out when they're not looking?" She finished my thought. 

I nodded grinning. We obviously didn't want to make problems. We weren't in the mood. 

"Follow me," I mouthed. She just nodded. I crept into the aisleway and stealthily slipped past the first cash register and behind the counter. Dude, this was actually fun.

I turned around and saw Ash coming behind me. She looked like she was going to burst out laughing at any moment. So did I.

I watched the two workers walk to the back of the store. When they were out of sight, I grabbed Ashley's arm and we darted for the doors.

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