Our Mother and Father pt. 1

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America sighed, dropping his head on his brothers lap. "Mattie!~" He whined, hugging the smaller man's waist. "Sing the song! I'm tired!" He begged, his voice muffled by the Canadian's shirt.

Canada laughed quietly, stroking his brothers hair the way he liked. "OK, Alfred. But you have to be quiet." Alfred nodded eagerly. Matthew took a deep breath before a soothing tone of words slid off his tongue.

"Goodnight, my children
Sweet dreams be with you
May tomorrow be yours
Let the wind blow your wheaten hair
The trees dance for you

"Mountains bow down at your feet
Buffalo will lay before you
Eagles will cry your names
The sparrow, your guardian
Rivers calm in your presence

"The fire will tell your fortune
The smoke, your greatest desires

"My children, rest your eyes
Your mother is here
never to say goodbye.

"May the stars and spirits guide you
For I love you~"

Alfred hummed contently. "I love that song..." He trailed, his blue eyes closed. His smile slowly fell. "Mattie... I miss mom." He muttered. "Sometimes, I feel like I can still hear her and feel her when you sing. I still see her in my dreams."

Matthew sighed, running his fingers through his older twin's hair. "Me too, Alfred. I wish she was still here. I miss her hands, her voice, the feel of her hair and her clothing."

"I could have done something." Alfred looked up at the Canadian, his eyes watering. "I watched it happen right before my eyes... I held her hand, and she just smiled."

Closing his eyes, Matthew tried not to cry as well. "No, Al. It's not your fault. You weren't the one holding the sword." He assured the American. "We still have our dad. He's out there somewhere."

Alfred sat up, his browse furrowed. "If he was a personification, wouldn't he have come to us by now? Maybe our dad was human!"

Matthew shrugged. "I don't know, Alfred. Mom used to always say when we asked, 'he was a beautiful man with a strong soul. You both inherited more than you'll know from your father.' Alfred, we may not be countries if our dad wasn't!"
Knock knock

The brothers looked over at the door. "The door's unlocked!" Alfred called out, standing up. Was someone checking on them to see bif they made it. (I may have forgotten to mention, but they're in a hotel for a world meeting.)

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