(Neko!) Average Day

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An Italian cat meowed as he wandered through the house. He woke up in an empty bed where his master should have been cuddling him and he couldn't find any human to give him food or attention. Then he spotted a gray lump curled up on the couch and purred. "Germouser!" The Italian cat giddily shouted as he leapt onto the couch and sat beside the German cat.

"What?" The larger cat grumbled, looking up at the Italian cat. "I can't feed you, Itacat. Only our masters can reach the food."

Itacat giggled, gently nudging his shoulder with his nose. "I know! I wanted to know if you'd go mouse hunting with me! Please!"

Germouser stared up at the smaller cat, tilting his large head. He sighed, sitting up. "Fine." He muttered, licking his paw, then running it over his ear. "Just a few mice."

The Italian cat squealed happily, leaping off the couch. "Come on, come on, Germouser! I wanna catch a big one!" He cheered, bouncing in his spot as he watched the gray cat slide off the couch.

"I'm going to catch bigger mice than you! Just watch!" Itacat squealed excitedly, bouncing beside Germouser.

The large cat rolled his blue eyes, his ears flicking about to catch any noise. "Keep telling yourself that, Itacat. Now keep quiet so we can listen for the mice." He grumbled. Itacat nodded, silencing himself as he searched around.

Germouser glanced over at the smaller cat when he suddenly gasped and crouched down. The larger cat stood completely still, spotting what Itacat spotted first. His icy blue eyes trailed over the smaller cat's lithe figure. Itacat was surprisingly thin and feminine for a male cat. His fur was well kempt and clean. His unusually closed eyes focused on the feasting rodent across the kitchen, shining with amber determination. Itacat had lowered his haunches and his tail swayed. Slowly and silently, Itacat crawled across the tile, the muscles in his shoulders tensing and he started to wave his haunches behind him, showing he was just about ready to pounce. Germouser gulped heavily, feeling his body heat up as he studied the Italian cat.

Swiftly, Itacat pounced, his claws stretching out as he landed directly on the unsuspecting mouse. Before the grey mouse could make a sound, claws easily dug into it's skin, slicing it's tiny throat, instantly killing it. Itacat purred, sitting up and retracting his claws before licking his slightly bloody paws. Once he deemed himself clean, he carefully scooped the dead mouse into his small jaws and carried it over to Germouser, beaming proudly over his catch. Itacat stuck his tail high in the air as he stood before the gray cat and placed the mouse at their paws. "I caught one! Are you proud of me!?" He yelped giddily, bouncing on the pads of his paws.

"Ja." Germouser stated, shaking his head to rid of the strange thoughts about Itacat. Why am I thinking he's so cute? He's male, just like me!

Itacat instantly got brighter, his honey colored eyes glimmering before he shut them and purred loudly. He took a step closer and nuzzled his head under Germouser's. "It makes me so happy when you're proud of me!"

Germouser stiffened, and sighed in relief when he heard their masters walk in.

"But, Ludwig!~"

A sigh. "No, Feliciano. We're having wurst tonight."

"But I want pasta, Ludwig!"

"You always want pasta."

"I know! Ooh, kitty!" The smaller human squealed, snatching up his cat and snuggling him. Itacat meowed and purred happily. Germouser just got a quick stroke on the head from his master.

Itacat then squirmed out of his masters arms when the larger human dumped his food in his cat dishes beside Germouser's. He mewled giddily as he bounced over and shoved his muzzle into his food. Germouser rolled his eyes and sat beside the smaller cat as he began to eat himself.

Halfway done with his meal, Germouser heard Itacat murmuring to himself. "I wonder... Just because I'm male... Could I still get pregnant?"

Germouser's eyes widened and he started coughing, hacking up the food that got caught in his throat. Both humans rushed over, trying to help. Once the food was back up, the grey cat sucked in large breaths, shaking slightly. "You Dummkopf!" He hissed, his fur bristling in embarrassment. "Why would you ask something like that!?"

Itacat shrunk back, then nuzzled his nose into Germouser's fur. "It was just a question, silly!" He purred, his tail waving back and forth. Germouser settled slightly.

"F-fine, just... Just don't ask something like that again." He stuttered. Itacat nodded, licking Germouser's cheek before bounding off to the couch.

"Siesta time!!!"

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