Neko! Perfect Snuggles

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"MEROW!" Shrieked a large cat as it burst into the large house before his master cracked the door open enough for him to enter. Excitedly, the fluffy cat darted around the house, searching for his favorite partner he hasn't seen in months. "Meow!? England? Where are you!?" He meowed, searching in every crevice.

"I'm over here, idiot!" Hissed the British cat from the arm of the red couch. Yipping happily, the white and black cat dashed over, leapt onto the cushions, then climbed up onto the arms of the couch beside England. "What is it, wanker?"

The American cat purred loudly, nuzzling his larger face against the smaller cat's. "I missed you!"

England blushed and tried not to purr as well. "Whatever, idiot! Get off!" He shoved, attempted to shove, the larger cat away with his small paws. Said idiot whined. "Why are you so big!?"

America's cat, known as Hero, laughed as England's cat, poking the smaller's cheek. "I'm just fluffy, England! And you're really small!"

"Am not!" England bristled, digging his claws in the fabric of the couch.

They heard a laugh nearby and looked up. Hero's owner stroked both their heads and scratched under their chins. "You guys are getting along as well as ever!" The two meowed in response. Then the man sighed, standing straight. "I hope I can get England and I like that again." He muttered before walking away.

Hero lay down, tucking his paws under his chest. "My master has been upset a lot lately. It made me sad, not being able to see you for months. I think he misses your master."

England looked down at Hero, sighing. "Yes... They both miss each other. My master has been sad as well. I really hope they make up." He lay down as well. He leaned on Hero, nuzzling his nose in the black fluff around Hero's neck. Hero curled his tail around England's, purring again. He twisted his head to lick the top of England's. "I guess I missed you, too." The British cat muttered, closing his eyes, breathing in Hero's scent. He shuffled closer, pressing the whole side of his small body against Hero's, a soft pur rumbling in his chest.

"You know, England... You're really beautiful." Hero meowed, curling around England.

The orange and white cat's head jerked up and his fur bristled in embarrassment. "W-what!? W-why would y-you say th-that!?!?" He shouted.

Hero snickered as he rolled onto his back, one of his hind legs sticking up in the air. "Because it's true!~" He proudly stated, winking. "You're eyes are really green, your fur is super soft and always clean! How your ears are always folded is really cute, too!" Hero stuck out his paw, poking England's nose as he explained like it was nothing.

England looked away, his fur laying flat as he nervously knead his claws in the couch. "Th-that doesn't mean you can just call me beautiful, bloody git." He murmured, unable to make eye contact.

The American cat purred, rolling on his side. "Yeah it does! If I don't tell you you're beautiful, how else are you going to know!?" He asked, looking up at England with his big, sparkling blue eyes.

Before England could speak, he heard shouting coming from upstairs. Both cats glanced in the direction of the sounds and flinched when there was the loud crash of a vase shattering.

"Shut up, idiot! Just get out!"

"But, Arthur-"

"No! Just go! I don't care if you sleep on the couch tonight, just leave as soon as you can! I don't want to see you!"

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