I'm sorry for getting mad... again

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(WARNING!!!! Romano's language ahead!!!)

Romano gripped his pillow tightly. He lay as close to the edge on his side of the bed as he could. He wanted to stay as far from the Spaniard as possible, but, at the same time, wanted to cling to him for dear life.

The reason for this was because earlier that day, the Italian had jumped to conclusions too quickly, and accused Spain.

Biting down hard on his lip, Lovino curled into a tighter ball. His amber gaze stuck to the wall on the other side of the room before he shifted in just the slightest to look over his shoulder. Antonio had his bare back turned to him, and he lay without the blankets to cover him.

Damn bastard's going to freeze! It's fucking December, dammit! Lovino sat up, then noticed that he wasn't the only one that couldn't sleep. Emerald eyes stared sadly at the slightly ajar door. Carefully, as to not startle the older, the Italian removed the pillow separating them and shuffled closer. He lay back down, wrapping his arms around Antonio's waist and nuzzling his nose beside his shoulder blade.

Antonio jumped when their skin made contact, but settled once realizing who it was. Once they finished moving, the Spaniard placed his palm to the back of their smaller hand and wove his fingers through theirs.

"Can't sleep?" Romano finally asked after a moment of silence.

The Spanish man sighed. "Yeah. You?" Romano shook his head. Antonio hummed. "I'm sorry about earlier, Lov-"

Before he could finish, the Italian snapped. "Don't apologize, jerk-bastard! It's my damn fault! I should have just gone to talk to you about it instead of going straight to the damn conclusion you were fucking cheating on me!"

Antonio smiled in just the slightest as he closed his eyes. "Honestly, Lovi... I'd be worried if you went straight to me and talked about something you were worried about... It's not like you."

"Well, it's going to start being like me from now on, tomato-fucker! I'm tired of being the one to start fights! I'm tired of being the one yelling all the damn time! You need to yell at me more! Get mad at me, or something, Toni! I hate being mad that you won't even look angry!" Lovino shouted, squeezing Antonio tighter.

He only chuckled, then raised Lovino's hand and kissed his knuckles gently. "But I can't ever be mad at you, mi corazon. No matter what."

Romano started to sob, then kissed Spain's back. "You're such a jerk..." Antonio just laughed and twisted in the younger's arms, then wrapped his own around him. "Ti amo..."

"Te amo, Lovi!"

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