Catching Feelings (KACEY'S POV)

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As I sat down to eat my breakfast and drifted of into thought could it be possible that I could be falling for Diggy when he just came back. As I sat and turned the thought over in my head I heard someone come down the stairs. I turned in my chair to see Diggy in a pair or basketball shorts and a plain red tank top he looked so sexy I just couldn't think straight. He walked over to me and said "Go get dressed something comfy to you." I looked over at him confused and said "Where are we going?" he laughed and replied with "I'm taking you out tonight.


TIME: 9:35


We walked in to Olive garden and when I saw what was there I couldn't help but loose my breath. There in front of me was a small heart shaped table with rose pettles on the table cloth surrounded with peach candles. I looked up at him with tears in my eye's and said the only thing I could think to say " It's so gorgeous" he looked down at me and said "You like it?" I sighed and said "No I dont like it.." He looked at me with disappointment in his eyes and responded with a simple "Oh" I took both his hands looked him deep in the eye's and said " I love it." He took me over to the table puling my chair out and pushing it up as I sat down. He sat in front of me and said "Shall we start off with a salad cutie pie." I laughed and replied with a sweet "Yes please." He laughed said with pleasure my dear and put some salad in my bowl. We got through our date and I have to say that it was one of the best I've ever had I think I'm starting to catch feelings for my old flame but I'm not sure if he feels the same after all these years of us being apart.

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