Working this out (DIGGY'S POV)

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Time: 2:00 AM

I woke up looked over at the clock. '2 AM" I read it and turned back over only to see her beautiful face in a deep sleep. As I gazed upon it I couldn't help but want to keep her in my life forever. I reached over and gave her a light kiss on the check. I turned over and with one swift move pulled her close to me. As i thought about all the hard times we had been through i was determined this would never end. With that thought in my head I went back to sleep.


Time: 6:00 AM

I finally got up and went down stairs to get some food, I walked over to the cabinet grabbed a bowl along with my frosted flakes. I grabbed a spoon and when over to the couch and sat down. I grabbed the remote turned on the T.V. and as I was about to start eating I felt two skinny arms slide around me and i heard her voice tell me good morning and that just made my heart melt. I laughed and spun around to see her beautiful eyes and her lips that are to tempting for me to not just kiss right at this moment. I replied with a simple "Morning cutie". She smiled and said"how'd you sleep?"she smiled and answered me with a sweet "Fine how about you" I swear the way she looked at me made me want to take her upstairs right then and there. I looked her up and down and said "Ok that storm kinda woke me up a little bit though. She looked at me with a look as if to say I know I laughed and said go get some breakfast and with that she walked to the kitchen to get her some cereal. I looked at her one more time before walking up the stairs to get dressed I had big plans for us today I didnt know how but one way or another I was gonna make us work MAKE THIS WORK.

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