Livin Like Larry In The Mall (DIGGY'S & KACEY)

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Kacey was feeling better today so I decided to take her to the mall so she could get some clothes. We walked into the mall and the first thing she did was grabbed my hand dragging me straight to the toy shop. Right as we walked in we laughed and ran in different direction's. I went to the isle with Halloween costumes, and picked up the first one I saw, It was a simple nerdy costume I looked at it and loved it


I walked down the whole isle I couldn't find anything that Diggy would like but then something caught my eye it was a Jasmine cosutme it was perfect it showed my curves and a little bit of my chest I walked to the counter and purchased it I also go a Victoria Secret angle costume for later( if you know what I mean.) I walked back to the bathroom and put on my jasmine costume and saw this really cute nerd standing there. I walked in the other direction to find Diggy and felt two strong arms around my waist. I turned around to see Diggy in a pair of glasses, a red and black button up shirt , whit jeans, and his black and red Jordans. I smiled and said "Awwww look at my baby." He chuckled and said "I love that costume." I laughed at his comment. With that we looked at each other with smirks on our faces and ran out the stores main door.

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