Round 2 (Diggy's POV)

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I hopped out the shower. Dried off and put on some jeans and a nice white and red tee shirt as I walked out of my room I looked down saw my glasses and put them on. Instantly everything around me became clear (I'm used to contacts). I ran down stairs to see my beautiful Kacey in a pink dress that brushed the ground it was perfect I loved everything about it from the color to the design to the way it hugged her body showing her perfect hour glass figure. I slipped behind her and wrapped my arm's around her taking in her scent I smiled when I smelt the all to familiar peach perfume that I had given her for our annual gift day we had every year. I smiled at the thought of her wearing it everyday. She spun around and smiled when she saw my glasses. I put my head down and as soon as I did she lifted it up with her index and middle finger and said "Don't do that." I looked at her confused and she replied to my look with the simple words "I love your glasses, they make your eyes prettier than they already are." I smiled and said "Thanks, you always know what to say to make the nerves go away." She laughed and said that's what I'm here for Diggy we hugged and looked into each others eyes and walked out the door hand in hand to what I had planned to be classified as THE BEST DATE EVER!


TIME: 3:00

After stopping at the mall to let Kacey get something from Victoria Secret, we finally arrived to our destination. I jumped out of the car and ran over to her side of the car took her hand and gently pulled her up being sure that I didn't mess up her long flowing gown. She wrapped her arm around mine and we walked into Mashiano's . I already had a reservation for us made in advanced and I got us a table in the very back of the place just for me and her. i pulled out her chair for her and then took my seat in front of her as the waiter brought us some water then left to get our food. "You didn't have to do all of this for me," she told me while taking a sip of her water. "My queen always needs the best treatment from her king," I tell her while taking her hand in mine. THE ONLY THING I COULD THINK ABOUT WAS LAYING HER DOWN AND TAKING CARE OF HER THE WAY SHE DESERVED TO BE TAKEN CARE BY HER KING.

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