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TIME: 11:30



After dinner we headed home I was supper nervous because I had something in mind all night. As we sped down the road I put my hand lightly on his knee. I slowly moved up and felt him tense I looked over at him and smiled to myself before asking "What's wrong?" He looked over at me with a look that said you know what's wrong but he just ignored my question and kept driving but i knew he was thinking about it because he started smiling to himself. Before I had time to move my hand any farther we pulled into the drive way. I was going to get Diggy one way or another.


TIME: 12:20



I walked down to the kitchen to get some water I don't know why but I couldnt stop thinking about what happened in the car. TBH I kinda wanted it to but anyway I walked over to the coffee pot and poured some coffee into my cup. I started to drink my coffee and felt two familiar arms wrap around my waist. I spun around smiled and said "Hi cutie." Looking at her in that moment I knew I needed her without saying a word I picked her up by her thy's and took her up stairs. Lets just say I had a night I'll NEVER FORGET.

Diggys girl Where stories live. Discover now