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I was glad that I was finally spending time with my sister and Diggy. TBH I missed them both I haven't seen my sister in almost 2 months and Diggy in about 3-4 years. I walked over to the T.V. and picked some movies they consisted of "Pitch Perfect" "Insergent" "The City of Bones" and had my sisters favorite movie "The StartUp". It was Diggy's movie on BET about a guy that started a blog in high school. We went to the store before we got the movies and bought everything that you can think of from Ice cream to gummy worms. I was so stocked to be hanging with my little sis again but I just hope every thing goes well.


We were all on the couch now and started to watch Kevin Harts "LET ME EXPLAIN." I was laughing so hard and rolled off the couch but before I could fall Diggy caught me with one arm pulled me back up. He looked me in the eye and said be careful kitty. I looked up at him and said "Thanks cutie." He laughed and said "No problem". I swear he's so sweet I really hope Kaitlyn likes him. I don't know what I would do if she didn't.


She looked me in my eyes with lust I swear if her sister wasn't there some shit would have been going down and she was in shorts and a low tank I looked at her and thought to my self "She's asking for it right now."

Diggys girl Where stories live. Discover now