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Guys guys! I'm planning to come back

And I mean it this time!


I'm giving up on the story

I haven't got a clue how I wanted this to go because I've been busy with my school life, this is my last year before college

And holy cow I'm scared okay?

I come on here and see how much you all support me, and I love every single one of you and want to impress you

But, sorry, I cannot lie

I can't continue with this

I know you loved it, and some didn't

I love writing it! I did! It was something didn't from My Little Monster and Nekozawa's Cousin, Erika.

I am planning to write more Ouran fanfiction in the future and I beg of you to continue to support me and be supportive of my decision!

Perhaps one day I'll rewrite this and feel better! But like I said! No promises...

I'm so sorry! I feel like just a terrible person right now...

- Shana-chan / Skittles / Shannon

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