Chapter Five

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"So, ready to have some fun?" Hikaru gives me a big smile.

"A-Absolutely!" I force a smile onto my face as I follow Hikaru around. I just have to go along with it, I don't want to upset him.

We cue up for food first, Hikaru buys me pink candy floss. We sit on a bench I pick off pieces of my candy floss as Hikaru licks his vanilla ice cream, my eyes glue onto him as I eat. Maybe he really enjoys amusement parks.

I wonder if he has ever taken a girl here before, maybe he is doing this just to reach me and use me...

"Want to have a lick?" He points his ice cream towards me.

I shake my head for a no.

"Fine with me" He shrugs his shoulders and continues to lick his ice cream. "Excuse me" he says leaning in towards my candy floss taking a bite.

"H-Hey!" I demand blushing slightly.

"Hey yourself, I'm the one who brought it for you" Hikaru says looking at me smiling, he finishes off his ice cream as I finish off my candy floss.

"What ride should we go on first?" He asks looking at the map showing all the rides and where they are. "How about, the horror house?"

"Uh okay" I say even more frightened now. Me and Natsumi have never been good with scary things, the only thing we don't have in common is that I'm afraid of thunder and lightening, Natsumi loves it.

Me and Hikaru sit on the ride strapped in tightly

"I promise to hold your hand if you get scared" Hikaru whispers in my ear sending shivers all over my body that I have to rub my arms quickly to get rid of the goosebumps.

The ride lurches forward as it is now our turn to go inside. I look around only seeing darkness. Suddenly a skeleton bounces in front of us laughing making me jump my back hitting the back of the seat hard.

"Ouch" I say rubbing my back.

"Be careful" Hikaru whispers in my ear placing a hand on my back rubbing it for me. I blush darkly so glad that the darkness is hiding it for me.

We lurch downwards and we go through curtain. The room is painted green. It looks like we are on a train track.

"Look down" Hikaru says.

I look down seeing that the floor is going down. I back into Hikaru gripping hold of the cart tightly as we start to rock and it seems like we could fall any second.

Hikaru's arm wraps tightly around my waist holding me close. "Don't worry, I will protect you"

I shut my eyes I tightly so I didn't have to see anything anymore as we rock around in our seats letting the ride take us around this horror.

"Yui" Hikaru says to me releasing me from his grip. I want him to hold onto me longer. "It's finished"

I open my eyes seeing the daylight once again. So radiant.

Hikaru gets out first holding out his hand to me. I grab hold of it as I step out.

Hikaru doesn't let go of my hand as we walk together. We cue up for a roller coaster. My grip on Hikaru's hand tightens.

"You don't like roller coasters?" Hikaru asks looking over to me.

"They have never been my favourite" I say being completely honest "I usually get really bad stomach aches and then throw up afterwards but that doesn't always happen"

"Do you want to go on something else?" He asks.

I shake my head "No! I'm fine, I think I will be fine..."

"If you throw up I'll take you home straight away, we can get forget about the other rides" Hikaru says.

"But then our date will be ruined... No! I won't throw up" I demand making my cheeks go all puffy.

Hikaru chuckles and pokes one of my cheeks.

We put our stuff in a locker and Hikaru puts the key in his pocket. We sit down and Hikaru pulls the bar down making sure its locked in.

I put on the set belt for extra safety. Hikaru puts his on as well so it doesn't worry me.

A noise went off in the background as the ride lurched forward and the went up towards the sky. Did I mention that I hate heights as well?!

Holding onto the bar tightly I repeat in my head 'don't look down, don't look down'.

The ride stopped at the top making my stomach ache. Oh dear god.

The ride went down quickly making me hold onto the bar tightly. Turning to Hikaru I see him laughing his head off his hand in the air and his eyes shut.

We do the loop the loop twice before the ride repeats itself.

I think this was a bad idea...

Getting of the ride I have to hold onto Hikaru's shoulder as I wobble slightly.

"I think I did okay" I say "I mean I didn't throw up or anything hahahaha!"

"I think we need to see you down. We won't go on anymore roller coasters" Hikary says sitting me down on a free bench.

"T-Thanks" I say.

Hikaru sits beside me rubbing my back "I should of asked you what you wanted to do for a date instead of just bringing you here. This must be the worst date you ever had

I shake my head "no it isn't. I have had worst so please don't worry, anyway, there is loads of things we can do"

"You're right" He smiles "How about we go on the ferris wheel and I'll take you out for dinner?"

The ferris wheel. Now that brings back scary memories...

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