chapter two part three

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Sapphire pov

I was now sitting at home on my couch eatting cookie doughe ice cream!. I had been let out of the hosplite two hours ago my mom had dropped me off and gone to some bar so now i was home with my older brother and his girlfriend Alx. I walked in to the kitchen to put my dish in the dish washer when i looked over at the table i saw Mark sitting there. "Hey" i said waving to him " oh hey " he said seeming deep in thought i raised my eyebrow " what are you thinking so hard about". A smirk went across his face " how i ride alx all the time " he winked "EEWWW" i yelled running out of the kitchen. I could hear mark laughing and boy he must have been laughing his ass off cause i could still hear it in my room!. I heared someone knocking on my window i turned to look at it to see the guy who i had learned his name was aden i walked over to the window and opened it "um hi?". Adens face broke out in a smile " hi"

Mark pov

I was laughing at the face my younger sister had made when i told her that.Just as i stopped laughing i saw my soul-mate come in and my smile grew wide"heeeey" she looked over at me. She let out a low giggle " what did u do to your sister i heared her downstairs " i smiled " i told her how i ride u all the time" i said winking at her which made her give me a dirty look.I suddleny froze i saw Alx as well "fallen and its in my sisters room!!" i didn't even wait for Alx to say anything before i went flying up the stairs. I whipped my sisters down open to see her sitting in the lap of a boy with pure black hair and green eyes i felt my eyes narrow when they both looked up. "Mark what are you doing " i heared Sapphire yawn alittle " no what the hell are you two doing" the fallen looked at me with his dark eyes and i saw how they light up when he looked at my sister and i suddleny knew he was she soul-mate oh thats perfect my sister is going to have little fallen angels!!!. I screamed in my head

Aden pov

I was now sitting with Sapphire in my lap and her brother standing in the door way "well!! answer me " he growled. I cleared my throat and said smiling " i'm here to see my girlfriend" i put my chin on her head i knew she looked at me i heared him growl alittle. " Well my sister shouldn't have boys in her room at 11 at night" i stuck my lip out making a sad face.

Sapphire pov

Ok whatever crawled up Marks ass better come out because he was being a jerk! like really he hasn't been around for a long time and suddleny seems to care well to bad!. " Ya well Aden can come in any time he wants" i snapped Mark stepped back alittle as i put my arms around adens neck i saw a smile go over his face as he kissed my head.I felt a warm feeling run throughe my body before my eyes closed and everything went dark

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