chapter 3

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"So let me get this straight. You signed me up for sky diving?" I grind out angrily at Jake.

Let's travel three hours back and I'll explain this whole problem.


School finished quickly and I was truly greatful that someone up there understood my pain.

My car wouldn't start this morning so I walked the thirty minute drive making me miss first period.
I hadn't seen Jake since last night and I am glad. What if he saw me staring at him? Oh God that would be embarrassing.

I was half way home when a car pulled up beside me.

"Yo Willlow, wanna ride?" Calls out Jake.
I waste no time climbing in his car and sighing at the  air conditioning.

"Thank you " I breathe looking out the window.
He doesn't respond and I look at him and it seems he is going over something in his head.
The drive home is silent and slightly awkward.

When we get home I seriously could not have gotten out of that car faster.

"Hey willow? Urm..  you'll probably hate me for this but I.. uh.. signed you up-"

"For skydiving!? You dead serious?" And here we are now.

"I have always wanted to go and well.. that's pretty much it" he tries to justify.

"Your a dick" I exclaim walking up the marble porch stairs and into the house slamming the door in jakes' face.

Now that was rude.

Shut up brain.

I hear upstairs and have a short shower. Walking around in only a towel I look for some clothes to wear to Jacquelines' party. Her parents are on a vacation to the Mystique Islands.

I find A tight fitting club dress. It had black lace top with sleeves and the rest was red.

I apply my makeup and hurry downstairs.

I see Jake also looking in the party mood so i know he is going to the party. I walk up to him putting extra sway to my hips.
When he hears the clacking of heels he looks up from buttoning the last button on his top and his draw drops.

"W-Willow you l-look amazing" he stutters and I bite my lip looking him up and down.

"You look quite hot yourself" I say winking.

What? Ewww.

Again brain, shut up.

He looks taken aback but then smirks as I move closer.

"You know, im free later tonight if you want" he says grabbing my waist and pulling me against his groin. I suck softly under his ear and hear him groan.

"I might take you up on that" i whisper into his ear.
I pull away and smile walking away with the hip sway.

"Your driving" i say and smirk as i catch him staring at my ass.

"Yes ma'am" he says.

Is it alright to say i may have a slight attraction to a total hottie? Yeah it is.

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