Chapter 11

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Absolute chaos!

I see mother and father struggling and screaming amidst the fire.
Mum! Dad! I try running at them but I can't reach them. I'm stuck. The world not moving.

"Holy crap!" I scream as I sit up. Sweat drips from my forehead and falls onto my lap as I look around and realise where I am. Jake rolls over next to me and sits up.

"Baby? You alright?" He asks as he rubs my back. I lean into him and nod.
"Yeah I am fine. Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep" I say and he leans back and pulls me down while he cuddles into me.
I hear him start to snore again and I rest back into him more. There is no chance I can sleep after that dream. No way in hell.

I watch the room go from black to light as the sun rises through the hours. Just as I am dosing off again my alarm rings and I jump to turn it off. Jake yawns and slips out of bed and into the bathroom while I climb out and head to the wardrobe.
What to wear...
I pick out a nice salmon coloured flowing singlet and some black ripped jeans with my fluffy grey slippers. I know I won't be going anywhere today. I am way too tired.

"Yeah Jake?" I say back as I brush my hair.

"Can you come here for a minute?" He asks and I place the brush down onto the desk heading to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I walk up to him.

"Nothing is wrong. I just have a question to ask you" he says and I laugh.

"Alright, go ahead and ask silly" I say as he picks me up onto the sink.

"Is that really what you are wearing to graduation?" He says and laughs.
I look at him, puzzled. Graduation?

"That isn't until next Thursday" I say and laugh.

"No Willow, it is today" Jake says and looks at his watch.
"In 2 hours" he says and laughs at me.
"You forgot didn't you?"

I sit there shocked. How could I forget? Oh no! I am Valedictorian!

"Jake I can't go! I forgot to write my speech! What with my parents dying and.." I come to the realisation that my parents won't be at my graduation and it hurts me.

"Willow, look at me" I look into his eyes and he smiles.

"My family will be there alright? You have myself and your friends. And with the speech? Just wing it! You will kill it either way! Now go get changed alright?" He says and pushes me out of the bathroom.

Well shit. Good one Willow. What do I wear?!

I pull out my short, light blue bodycon dress and my black strappy heels and head back into the bathroom to see Jake in his suit doing up his tie.
He turns around and his draw drops slightly.

"Willow, holy crap" he says and pulls me in for a quick kiss. Ugh such good

"We have to head off now Jake" I say and we head for downstairs where I see Jakes parents with our caps and gowns.

"My baby boy! Oh I just cannot bare the thought of you leaving me!" Juliet says as she squeezes him. James and I laugh as she babies him.

"Mom we have to go!" He says as loud as he can and she reluctantly lets go.
He leads me to our car and as we make our trip I sit there and think of what I am going to say.

Class of 2017! You rock!
No that sucks...

We did it! Hell yeah!
No can't say that..

Life is a hard journey...

"Ugh I am so screwed!" I say out loud and hit the dash board.
Jake laughs and grabs my thigh.
"You will be fine babe" he says as we pull up to the stadium.

I see Jacqueline, Marisa and Taylor at the entrance and Jake and I head in with them.
Principal Lawson grabs me and leads me to a seat on the stage and I watch as everyone else gets into their seats.

The ceremony starts and by alphabetical order everyone gets up and receives a strong handshake from Lawson and their certificate.

Principal Lawson starts his speech on how great our year was and blah blah blah.

"And now for our valedictory speech! Here is Willow Sage!" He says and I slowly get up as everyone claps and cheers.

I cough and look at the mic as well as the crowd. Cheese and sprinkles save me...

"Hey everyone! This is rocking class of 2017! Now, I know that having a honorary doctorate degree will do nothing for me, but I'm here to tell you today that your degrees, the ones you toiled to get, the ones you actually took classes to earn, those degrees, will also basically do nothing.
Let me clarify. You can't exchange your degree for cash. You can't have a degree audition or interview for you. You can not eat it. Please don't make love to it and you can maybe smoke it but I wouldn't advise it"

I hear everyone laugh and some yell funny comments.

"From where I stand from an outsider's perspective, here's the truth: You are all nerds, all of you, except here's the difference. You are the nerds who are going to make some serious bank, which is why I am here today ... to marry the best-looking amongst you" I say and they all laugh again.

"Nah I am just kidding! Look, school was hard. We worked and studied our butts off to make sure we passed so we could get into college. But to be honest? I don't remember a single thing I studied. No offence teachers!" I yell back and they laugh.
"But I did remember the fun. No matter how hard it gets guys, just think back to the fun! I know I will.
So let's give it up for the graduating class of 2017! We did it! Thank you!" I say and smile.
Everyone gets up and cheers as I head off the stage and receive my graduation certificate. Look at me mom and dad! I did it!

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