Chapter 10

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I... hate... needles!

"Jake please reconsider this. I mean.. we can uh... just google search my injury!" I plead as he drags me from the parking lot to the entrance of the hospital.

"Willow you are getting your injury checked out by a doctor and if you need to get needles, you are getting needles. Now can you please walk?" He says as he continues to pull a very painful Willow behind him.

"No. I think I'll just die here" I fall limp to the ground and he sighs. He shoves me with his foot and groans before bending down and picking me up.

"No Jake! No put me down! I am not letting some old, grumpy doctor stick a piece of metal inside me. Let alone look at me! Put. Me. Down!" I yell as I writher around trying to loosen his hold

He doesn't say anything as he walks up to the front counter and puts me down but not before grabbing the belt hoop on my jeans.


"Hi. We are here to see Doctor Bracken?" Jake says as the lady types on her computer; Her name tag showing the name Wendy.

"Oh yes um.. Willow Sage is it?" Wendy asks.

I look at her and frown.
"Yeah I'm her" I say and glare at Jake who just grins back at me.

"Alright. If you would just take a seat in the waiting area, doctor Bracken will be with you shortly!" She says smiling like a maniac.

Jake smiles and pulls me away "Thank you".

He sits me in the chair furthest away from the exit, knowing too well I would mostly likely run at any chance I could get.

"Jake, I feel sick. Please don't make me do this today"

"Well we can ask the doctor what your sickness could be as well" he says and smirks at me. Gosh I'm a retard.


"Willow Sage?" I look up to see a very attractive guy standing at the door way with a clip board.

I jump up all too quickly and I see Jake glaring.

"Hi Willow. Please follow me" he says and gestures to a room down the hall.
We enter the room and Jake seats me in the seat furthest away from Doctor Bracken.

"So Willow, what seems to be the problem?"


"She was running when she tripped and fell face first into the curb. She has a sharp pain in her right ribs and right side of her head" he says cutting me off.
Annoyed much?

"Alright, let me take a look at your ribs" he says and come over with whilst putting on a plastic glove.

I lift my top up a little and he comes over.

"Does this hurt?" He asks and pushes right on an open wound.

"Ow ouch! Yeah that hurts!" I say as tears well in my eyes.

He looks at it and prods around for a while before he sits back and takes the glove off.

"How long has it been since the incident?" He says writing down notes.

"Three days" I say and Jake rubs my back.

I watch as Doctor Bracken thinks for a while before finally looking up at me.

"So Willow, we have two options here. So since you left the wound exposed for sometime it has gotten infected. Now this can be treated" he says while grabbing a print out.

"Alright. What are the two options?" I ask nervously.

"So first option is to give you medication which you will have to take three times a day, every six hours for three weeks and once a day, a salt rinse, which may I say hurts a lot" he says.

"I like that option" why wouldn't I like it? No needles hahaha. Suck it Jake.

"Or, you can get a needle which has an antibody that can eliminate the infection and you only have to rinse it for the next two days" he says and looks up at us both.

"Well I like the first option. Nice and slow always wins the race-"

"We will go with the needle" Jake says and grabs a hold of my hand. You have got to be fucking kidding me !

"I'll go get it set up" he says as he hands me a packet. "Can you please rub this over the wound just to clean it before the injection" he orders before leaving the room.

I turn to Jake and slowly meet his eye contact.

"I hate you"

"Oh Willow come on it is just a needle. One tiny needle. You can hold my hand the whole time" he says and kisses my cheek. I nod and wipe the area.

Doctor Bracken enters the room and gestures for me to lye down on the bed.

"Now Willow this will sting alright? But try not to tense ok? It will be over and done with within ten seconds" he says as he uncaps the needle.

Oh lord I'm going to be sick.

"Willow it's ok. Hold my hand and look the other way" Jake says and I turn the other way. I feel a sharp sting pain and I yelp loudly. Jake squeezes my hand and rubs my head.

"Ow! Jake it hurts" I say as I start crying.

"All done!" Doctor Bracken says as he puts it all in the disposal container.

I sit up as he places a bandage and wrap over it and hands me some cleanser.

"Now I'll get you to come back within two weeks if the swelling hasn't gone down. Other than that you are free to go" he says and I shake his hand.

"Thank you" Jake says and we leave.
We exit and walk out into the sun towards the car.

"So.. that wasn't so bad was it?" Jake asks.

"No, not really-" I puke all in the garden as I'm about to speak.
Jake rushes and holds my hair back while rubbing my back.

I stand up and wipe my mouth with a cleanser.

"Let's just never speak of this again yeah?" I say

Jake laughs and nods.
"Sure. Never again" he says and continues to laugh


SomerMajor xxx

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