Chapter 5

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You looked into his eyes as his hands travelled down your body sending shock waves of pleasure.

Luke kissed your neck leaving love bites making you groan closing your eyes. Opening your eyes again you see his face transform into someone else's. Jakes...

I shoot up from bed with wide eyes and sweat beaded against my forehead. Taking in deep breaths I scurry out of bed and into the bathroom for a quick shower.

As the water poured down your body you can't help but feel regretful. Your first time had been with some dude....

I felt one tear fall down my cheek. If I wasn't trying so hard to impress Jake this wouldn't have happened.

After getting dry, I fund a nice black pair of denim shorts and an aqua crop top. I laced up my Nike's and grabbed my iPod and earphones.

I jogged downstairs and saw Jake drinking coffee at the island.

"Morning" he says as I walk past. I nod at him and grab and apple and a bottle of water.
As I go to walk out he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Is it true? Your first time was with Luke?" He asks and looks at me with a foreign expression.
"And at a party? Really?"

I look down and nod feeling tears brimming my eyes.

His hand gently lifts my chin up so he can look into my eyes.

"Why would you do it Willow?" He asks.

"Because" I say and flinch when his hand hits the bench.

"Because isn't good enough. Now tell me why Willow!?  Was it even special to you?" He yells and I back away fuming.

"To be honest, no! No it wasn't!  But I was just so caught up in trying to impress some guy that I couldn't even focus on what I was doing! " I yell back at him.

"What guy Willow!?" He screams back. It seemed to be turning into a yelling match.

I look at Jake and just walk past him.
Heading upstairs I close the door and hop in bed curling under the covers.

I start to cry knowing what a terrible mistake I had made.

From: fucklukey

Hey babe we still on for tonight?

I read the text and start to get angry but try to keep my cool.

To: fucklukey

No sorry :'( I'm not well tonight. Talk later.

I place my phone on the bedside table and hug my stuffed horse into my chest.

I laid there looking at the ceiling for about half an hour before I heard quiet knocks on the door.

"Willow... you there? Can I urm... come in?" I hear Jake say from outside the door.  Staying silent I assumed he had left but instead he walked in. I felt the bed dip and a hand rub my back.

"I'm so sorry" he whispers and I turn to him and smile.

"Its alright" I reply and cuddle into him. I can forgive and forget. I don't like to hold grudges.

He pulls me in and keeps whispering sorry.

"I think now is a good time to mention the fact that our sky diving time slot is in 1 hour" he says and I shoot up from the bed.

He quickly rushes out telling me to dress warm and I groan and get changed.

I'm going to kill him.

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