8. Wild Goose Chase

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Picture is of Ozzy, he's a beaut :P curly hair, green eyes and tall, swoon! Hope you like the chapter...

By the time Monday rolls around, I’m actually looking forward to going back to uni and seeing Ozzy again and also trying to rekindle some of my previous friendships with people from my flat, as well as my course friends. After getting off the train with my small but heavy floral holdall of clothes and my laptop case with my laptop safely packed up inside, I follow the crowd of people heading, I hope, towards the centre of town, hoping to find my way back for myself. Unfortunately, I come to the conclusion that I am completely lost with no real sense of direction when people dissipate into several directions, and with no obvious signs to direct me to town, I go against the crowd and pull my phone out and call Ozzy. Resting against the side of a shop, I wait for a few moments, when he soon answers.

‘Hey Immy. Are you back yet?’

‘Yeah, and I’m lost. Want to come and find me?’ I ask hopefully, looking around at the number of countless faces walking by.

I hear him chuckle before asking, ‘Where do you think you are?’

I look around and then spot someone I recognise. ‘Actually, hold on a sec, Ozzy, I think I recognise someone. I’ll call you back in a bit.’ I hang the call up and then walk towards a bench where the boy I recognise from last week is sitting down with a few of his friends chatting away. As confidently as I can, I walk forward and offer a small smile. Thankfully, the boy recognises me and stands up with a wide smile to greet me.

‘Hello, Imogen,’ He checks as he greets me.

I nod, relieved he remembers my name. ‘Yes. And Leon, isn’t it?’ His mouth crinkles into a smile and he nods. ‘I’m so sorry, but can you help me out? I’m a bit lost.’

He looks back at his friends and gives them some sort of sign, before he nods in another direction. ‘So where are you heading to, Imogen?’ He looks down to my bags and raises an eyebrow at me, as if to check if he can carry my bags.

‘Oh, only if you’re sure,’ I respond, giving my heavy bags over before explaining, ‘Well I wanted to go back to my flat or to meet my boyfriend, but I don’t know where I am, where that is or where he is.’

He frowns at me and I realise he’s puzzled. ‘Sorry, I should explain a bit more. I’ve got amnesia, so I cannot remember anything before three weeks ago. I don’t remember anything about people or uni, so I’m trying to find my way around, but I’ve failed and got lost.’

‘Amnesia? Shit, that’s got to be hard,’ he says, almost apologetically. I shrug, before he asks, ‘Are you in halls or are you in your second or third year housing?’

‘I’m in my first year and am in halls, but I don’t know the name of it,’ I murmur back in embarrassment. ‘You know what, I’ll find my own way back. I could be here all day trying to find my way. Thank you though, Leon.’

I go to take my bags to leave, but he catches my wrist gently and stops me. I glance over my shoulder and see him smiling at me. ‘Imogen, it’s okay. I’ll help you get back. I’m not going to leave you. Let’s head to the library. Then maybe you could meet your friend from there?’

Relieved he isn’t about to leave me, I follow Leon through the town and across the many streets to the library. This is definitely a university that is spread across the time. Along the way, I ask Leon a bit about himself, rather than him asking me anything I can’t answer, which he must recognise as he doesn’t press me for the same answers. I find out that he’s in his second year and is from Somerset, which he explains is about three hours away. He was raised on a farm, as his dad is a retired farmer, which I find incredible exciting, whilst his mum works as a seamstress which equally interests me, and that he has two older sisters. He asks about how I found my lessons last week and how I’m getting on so far, rather than grilling me for questions he probably guesses I don’t know the answer to. He’s really attentive, actually, but before I know it, I’m stood in front of the big glass building which is the main library.

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