Chapter 9

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I woke up to a dreary morning. Rain dripped down my window panes, and a flash of lightening momentarily lighted the room. I groaned and rolled back over. No point in getting up today. I love when it rains, but it always makes me want to stay in bed all day.

"You better not still be in bed!" Dana called from outside my door.

"Go away!" I groaned, knowing it wouldn't work.

"Come on, we haven't spent any time together." She said pushing the door open. When I didn't move she crawled into bed with me. "Bolten was looking for you earlier."

"I don't want to get up. He can wait until it isn't raining." I groaned pulling her down on the bed so she couldn't try to pull me out of it.

"Aw come on. He seemed really excited." She said not trying to get up.

"Do I have to?" I asked closing my eyes.

"Yes, your mother would not be happy with you staying in bed all day." She said pushing my hair back.

"You sure?" I asked opening one eye. She nodded and pulled me up. "Alright."

I quickly got dressed and followed Dana out. She talked my ear off about the new spell she had been practicing as we walked into the dining hall.

"And now that I am better at it, I think I will be able to actually heal people." She said with a huge smile. I glanced up from the floor and saw Bolen sitting at the table already.

"Good morning." He said putting his glass down.

"Morning." I said with a small smile. Dana and I sat down across from him, and waited for our breakfast to come out.

"Any exciting plans today?" Dana asked Bolten.

"That depends on Kaliah. Do you have any plans today?" He asked me sweetly.

"No." I answered, noticing the servant coming out with a biscuit. I started eating slowly, waiting for him to reply.

"Well...We could" He started when my mother entered the room.

"You could go collect payments for the festivals." She said interrupting us. "It is a princess' duty."

"Alright. That could" Bolten said giving me a slight grimace.

I laughed and my mother exited quickly. Why does she feel the need to boss orders and just leave? No greeting to her only daughter? I shook the feelings away and tried to focus back on Bolten and Dana.

"So what's your family like?" Dana asked with a huge smile.

"Currently my father is King of the were-empire. I have a couple younger brothers, they're a pain, but other than that pretty normal I guess." He said fiddling with the fifth biscuit he had started on.

"That sounds nice." I commented, popping the last piece of biscuit in my mouth.

"It's interesting." He laughed.

"Well, we should get started. The city is pretty large." I said standing up. "Are you coming Dana?"

"Uh...No." She said giving me a pointed look.

"Are you sure?" Bolten asked, and she shot him a glare. "Nevermind. After you Kaliah."

I laughed at the response Dana got out of Bolten, and headed for the door. She gave me a wink, and turned away from us. I shook my head and grabbed a bag before heading out into the city. The old rain was refreshing as it ran down my face. I could tell it was beginning to slow, and would soon stop completely.

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