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Nineteen - George Liaz Malik.

"Why the hell do you have to do that?"

Zayn groaned again, raising his head to glare at Liam. He obviously came here excited and all just to share his previous happenings with Niall but now that he told Liam what exactly happened, he might be rethinking everything. "Why do you keep asking me that?" This had been the third time since Liam had asked Zayn why in the world he had kissed Niall in the first place and to say the tanned boy was getting irritated is an understatement. "You actually meant to tell me that you kissed a man who's in a committed relationship with someone else?" Liam asked - yet again, much to Zayn's frustration- his face contorted into a frown.

"Yes Liam, I did and - no wait, Liam-" Zayn watched Liam shake his head and looked at him as if Zayn have a dick on his face, "Listen carefully!" Zayn snapped, and Liam just motioned him to go on with his hands, "So I kissed him and he kissed me back and he told me-" Zayn was cut off when Liam let out a calloused sigh, turning to his best friend as he muttered in a soft voice, "You kissed Niall. You kissed somebody who have a boyfriend - and he kissed back-" Liam rubbed his face and honestly Zayn felt the least bit tempered that Liam was obviously over reacting all of this, what was there to worry about?

"That's probably cheating, Zayn!" Liam raised his hands up in surrender.

Zayn rolled his eyes at his best-friend, why was Liam his best friend again? "Liam, you're getting annoying." Zayn muttered, standing up and brushing his jeans. "At least I didn't kiss someone and ruin their - probably - perfect relationship." Zayn muttered a few curse words under his breath as he walked away from the younger boy, leaving the puppy eyed boy to follow him to the door mumbling a few things like "You're in deep shit" and "You're going to regret this one day" Zayn scoffed at that as he got his leather jacket on and his shoes on. "Stop being a sarcastic asshole I'm telling the truth." Liam warned, watching as Zayn grabbed open his front door.

Zayn didn't respond to his best friend, ''I'm leaving, mom needs me to train for her work stuff that I probably had to take over next month or something." Zayn's mombwas a successful woman, owning a big company and now the lady thinks its Zayn's time as the second man of the family to take over his job so Zayn, however he didn't want to, had to go to work every morning and just have the female workers there shoving their boobs into his face even though he would be lying if he said he didn't hook up with a few of them. But that's another story.

After getting Harry settled back at home and the younger boy was surprisingly fine, walking around like he just haven't got his spine bandaged up from a bad incident. Niall just recently get back from grocery shopping and he was getting out of the car with two full bags of groceries. "Haz! I'm home!" Niall yelled once he arrived to the house. "I'm here babe!" Harry's voice came from upstairs and the blonde chuckled, knowing Harry was probably taking care of George. George is one handful baby, he would cry when he didn't get his food on time and he eats a lot, he didn't even need a DNA test to prove that he is Niall's baby. Niall agrees on his child's big appetite though, claiming that if there is anything more important than the most important thing in life, it's life. (He lost of tract of what's the most important thing was, all he could think of was food, sue him.)

After placing the groceries on the kitchen table, Niall rushed up the stairs, his feet thumping louder as he ran up taking two steps at a time.

"Daddy's here!" He made a voice as he slid himself into George's nursery, watching the baby giggle with a kick of his legs. "Come to here, love you." He took the child from Harry's hand, littering his face with kisses and the baby giggled again, pulling at Niall's hair. Harry smiled at Niall, hugging him from behind, "You tired, babe?" Niall asked, turning around with George still in his hands. Harry hummed with a smile.

"Go to sleep, I got this." The blue eyed lad waved Harry off and the other smiled again letting out a small fine as he kissed the baby on the cheek and walking out of the room into their own to get into a much needed nap. "Is my little baby hungry?" Niall cooed as he pinched his son's cheek getting a small smile in return so he clasped the baby carrier to his hips, placing George in it as he walked down to get the milk and dinner ready for the baby. George watched with his big blue eyes as his daddy went around the kitchen working on his milk. Once he had gotten his lukewarm milk, the baby let out a small sound of happiness instantly getting the milk bottle in his small, chubby hands and looked around as his father would cook.

George giggled a little when he looked up at Niall to see that the blonde was smiling down at him, his hands reaching up to touch his daddy's hair again. Niall wasn't sure what George meant by doing that, but he was sure it meant that George loved him. He always does that when Niall would kiss him or tuck him to bed. He'd never seen George did that to anyone but him so he figured it might be special. After the baby had finished his bottle, he had fallen asleep on the baby carrier with his thumb in his mouth that Niall soon replaced with a sucker.

After preparing the dinner, Niall tucked the little baby in for a nap cooing softly as the baby flutter his eyes open and his hands coming up to tangle into Niall's hair in small loops. George let out soft sound of happiness which sounded like he was trying to speak and Niall smiled, leaning down to kiss his small button nose that he probably got from the blonde, something telling him that his son is going to talk a lot earlier than all those other children.

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