October 1, 2025

267 15 5

Alex's P.O.V.

I was sat at my computer trying to finish off work before the kids got home. It was Toby's birthday tomorrow and Scott and I still hadn't talked. I wanted to ring him and tell him to come home. I knew he didn't mean what he said. But there was something telling me that we both needed space to think. Not that I had a lot of that with having the kids around all the time.

I heard a knock at the front door and slid my chair back in confusion. The kids weren't due back for another hour. Jessica had soccer and Toby was at a piano lesson. They were being brought home by a soccer mom. Slightly confused, I walked across the hall and to the front door, opening it and looking up.

Scott stood in front of me, his shoulders slumped forward, dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, not that I looked any better. I hadn't slept in weeks either. I blinked at him, not knowing what to say. A silence fell over us as we both stared.

I could see Scott's chest rising and falling as he breathed. The sound of my heart thudding filled my ears. I head was spinning as it split in half. One side screaming 'just hug him already!' The other shouting 'get away! Run away now!'

I wanted to speak but I didn't know what to say. It was like both of us were behind a sound proof screen. There was no point in talking because the other person wouldn't hear.

I could feel emotions that I had pushed away building up inside of me. My heart was pounding. My breathing was heavy and I could see Scott was the same too. I could almost see his shoulders vibrating.

Suddenly, like it was all planned we both collapsed into each other's arms, tears streaming down both of our faces. I clutched onto the back of his shirt as I hid my face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me. For everything!" Scott begged, his tears forming a wet patch on my shoulder.

"I forgive you, just please come home." I pleaded. I felt him hold me close like a life force. His fingers digging into my sides. I moved my arms so that I could hold onto him tighter, my tears still steadily falling and it was almost like the pain of the last few weeks was just washing freely from our bodies. It was disappearing into empty space but we were staying grounded because we were in each other's arms.

After a long time I broke away to look at him. My tears began to stop as I sniffled. "I'm sorry. I really am." I could see the pain in his eyes. I gently lifted my hands to either side of his face and wiped his tears away. He smiled weakly and I returned it.

"I know, Scott. It's okay. I over reacted because I know I was saying shit that meant nothing to me too!" I stated. He breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

"I love you so so much." He whispered, gently placing his hand against my cheek and leaning in to kiss me. I felt myself melt and realised what an idiot I was to make him leave the other day.

"I love you too." I whispered breaking away. He stepped backwards, his hands slipping down from my face. His eyes shone bright blue and it looked as though it was the first time in weeks that had shown any sign of life.

"We need to talk," Scott said quietly. We moved ourselves to the kitchen and I watched as Scott made two cups of coffee. I sat down at the table and waited for him. He turned back around and placed the coffee cup down in front of me and I wrapped my hands around it. He sat across from me and a silence fell over us.

I quietly sipped my coffee, letting the warm liquid slide down my throat. The silence was comfortable and I could sit into it like a hammock. "You know we haven't talked about him." Scott's voice cut through the silence and I looked up at him. His hands were curled around his cup and his eyes still lacked their usual light.

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