Chapter four

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Judith started to show her work to the mentor and luckily, she's the one who's chosen as the designer of the autumn dress code next week that Sapphire's going to wear. She was astonished when she heard that but still, I might still consider her as the unlucky one because she got so many task to do. After that time, the crew started to invite her for a dinner with the supervisors and other authorized personnel of that industry.

At the restaurant

Judith is like a fish out of water that time. She'd never been hang out with descent people around her, well she does but not really in a very formal way.

As she eats her dinner, she can't stop looking a Sapphire where she imagined like 'what the heck! She's so hot and pretty, why can't I be like her?' Okay, let us just say that she's pretty jealous with her looks. She's been jealous of pretty girls since before, well, at least she's not scared of herself.

"So Judith," Sapphire said, as she narrowed her eyes at her immediately.
"You've been working in this industry for 2 years?," she added
Judith nodded and sighed with relief, for thinking that it'll be a very serious and difficult question but it wasn't at all.
"I like your designs, it is very impressive and interesting it may be expensive if we sell it, especially on Italy where most fashionista lives," the manager said
"Thank you," she thanked while she lean her head.
"Hey, Judith, it's a pleasure to meet you, by the way," Sapphire said as she eats her salad.
"Uhm...saph? Can I just say something awkward? I'm just going to admit it..," She said
"What is it? I'm pretty? Ha! No big deal!," She said sardonically.
"Well, I'm just going to say that your boyfriend is kind of hot! Why didn't he became a model?," Judith asked as she crossed her fingers, hoping that Sapphire won't be offended
"He used to be a soldier but he quits, and then decided to be a bar tender instead, since food and beverages is his vocational course, and I told him to be a model but he said that he doesn't want to," She explained.

After what she have heard, she remembered about Troy who dreamt to be a soldier when they're still in high school.
A sudden paused and silence just came between all of them, its actually awkward because they've finished eating their dinner without having any conversation.

Judith went out of the restaurant and decided to grab a taxi but before that happened, Sapphire called her.

"Judith, wait," She said. Judith turn around as Sapphire whispered to her ear
"So you have met my boyfriend? Well, don't you dare come near him if you want me to be a friend and not a foe,"
"Why not! Sure! I'm not that kind of girl who's going to bitchin around someone's territory," Judith replied sarcastically
"Good, well, see you next week at the photoshoot," She byed. Then suddenly a limo just parked in front of them, if I wasn't wrong, it was Sapphire's and guess who's inside it-- Troy.

"Wow, nice limo," Judith said smiling.
"Wanna take a ride?," She asked

At first, Judith hesitated but she end up deciding yes

When she went inside the limo, she saw him drinking a bottle of vodka. Her eyes are widened and there's a misunderstood feeling in her heart. Sapphire noticed her looking at troy, and Judith is starting to get on her nerves since this Sapphire is jealousy and sort of a brat.

"Why are you looking at him?," Sapphire asked seriously
"Oh, nothing, I just, remembered something," She replied
"Oh...what is it? Your ex? Or something?," Sapphire assumed.
Judith sighed and narrowed her eyes on her. She was afraid to tell her about the things that happened last day for her to know that Sapphire is pretty mean like what Micah told her.
"Well.." Her words trailed away because of Troy's respond
"Oh Judith! Nice to meet you again!," He greeted.
Judith smiled brightly at him and then Sapphire started to felt an annoying tense in her heart like she just want to crush Judith. Well perhaps, her sixth sense I should say where she can feel something bad, a bad reputation for her to hear the word Again.

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