Chapter Five

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Kiss- a mark of love

Troy almost fall asleep but then, he suddenly realized about Micah and the others who already knew him, he also recognized if Micah tell Judith about his real identity, everything will be ruined he won't have a chance to say sorry and be with his best friend in a long period of time. He decided to jump off from his bed and call Micah.

"Come on...answer it before you ruin everything," He muttered.

Micah heard her phone rang, she immediately search for it and cut her conversation with Judith.
"So tell me who is the bar tender again? I'm quite sleepy to hear what you are talking about clearly," Judith insist but Micah still search for her phone.
"Shush! I'm searching for my phone," Micah replied
"I wanna know the answer! So who is the bar tender again?," She said, forcing Micah to answer her by hitting her with her pillow.
"Seriously, I got to find my phone," She said angrily
"Okay then, anyway," She yawns before she continue her sentence, "Just tell me about it tomorrow, I'm pretty sure its very necessary for me to know about it"
"Really?it's just about that darn bar tender!," Micah complained
"Whatever," Judith said as she covers herself with her blanket then turn off her laptop and proceed to sleep.

Micah found her phone inside her bag, She saw Troy contacting her. She immediately answer it.

Micah: so what do you want?
Troy: Micah...I need to tell you something very very important
Micah: sure no problem! So what is it?
Troy: the Ron that Judith is been talking about
Micah: you know who's Judith? Why?
Troy: long story, but anyway, the ron she's been talking about, it is me! I am Ron!
Micah: what!? So wait, why the hell are you doing this? Why are you hiding the true you?
Troy: Looong story, okay? I just want you to do this,not just you, everyone, except Judith. I want you to call me Ron instead of Troy okay?
Micah: Okay, okay, okay, okay. I got to sleep now so shut up and don't worry
Troy: thank you Micah
Micah: no big deal, dude.

Finally, Troy felt comfortable and safe, well he's not safe at all, since this thing is very risky and things may get worse if he didn't plan it very well.
Troy place his phone in the table near their bed, and then he lie down and close his eyes, he actually can't sleep that time because of over thinking about Judith, he really loves her, he really feel complete with her, and he can definitely feel the flow of happiness in his blood when he sees her especially when she's right beside him, no wonder why he didn't felt this before. People used to tease them when they are still together and most of them sees them as couples, and their hang outs are dates in the eyes of others. He used to say eww or Yuck when someone is teasing them but now, he's desiring to hear it again, he wants to hear those words again everyday.

One moment later, Sapphire placed her arm above him and whispered "You're still awake?", Troy glanced at her and sighed with a relief
" I just can't sleep well," He replied in a lazy tone of voice, Sapphire clung to his hand and say "So what's bothering you?"
"Nothing," Troy replied as he let go of her hand and put his arm to his face and cover his eyes with it.

Sapphire is starting to notice something different, like Troy shouldn't be like this, he should be flirting with her right now. She also notice that when he sees Judith, he always keeps an eye on her. Sapphire is getting jealous about Judith, though she doesn't have a strong proof but she can feel it, well I should say, strong girlfriend instincts but I can't say its strong enough to know about their hang out tomorrow night .


The alarm started to rang that caused everyone of them jump off from their bed. Judith started to panic and shout "FIRE!!!! FIRE!!"
"Jude! Holy toasted fries! ! What are you yelling about?!," Lance said, throwing his pillow straight to Judith's face. Judith remove the pillow and threw it to Jheann.
"Sorry, I don't use alarm clocks," She pleaded, with a mocking smile.
"Anyway, I'm going to fix myself now, I still got something to do," Lance said, proceeding to the bathroom with a towel and some clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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