Chapter Eleven: Supernatural Protection (Part Two)

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I'm trying to set up all of the characters for this arc and the one after it-which is going to be a big one! Certain people are going to make a return, and a free digital cookie goes to whoever can guess at least one.

Let's just say that there will be quite a bit of angst-some fluff too, but mostly angst.


She had been eating when the call came. It was just a small tickle at the back of her head, but it was one that signaled the arrival of an old friend.

"Hey, Cipher."

"Been a long time, hasn't it my lovely widow. "

"I was starting to think that you had forgotten about me."

"Nah, I've just been a bit preoccupied."

"I heard about your defeat in the paper. Lottsa people think that it was some kinda storm. I could tell by the town that it was you."

"Am I that predictable, poison?"

"Just a tad. Why are ya callin' me if you've been banished?"


"From the Mindscape? You can't do much more than send 'em nightmares now."

Inwardly, she knows that it's a bad idea to get on his bad side. Luckily, he seems more amused than angry.

"Well, now you've gotten me thinking. How'd you like to take a road trip over to good ol' Gravity Falls?"

Oh she can tell that he's playing her like a fiddle, but she never could resist a taste of power.

She smirked in anticipation. Bill may not be her closest ally, but you can't deny that he has style.

"As long as I get some new prey outta the deal."

It looked like she was going to pay a visit to the little town that managed to defeat a dream demon.


"Okay, so what do you do if you encounter a hostile dragon?" Wendy paused and looked out over the collected group of monsters and humans.

"Stop, drop, and roll!" One of her little brothers called.

Everyone else burst out laughing, and he blushed. Wendy smiled and shook her head.

"No, but if they light you on fire then feel free. Actually, you should try to initiate a trade-off. Give them something as a token-a watch, a necklace, and expensive earring. You may not want to part with it, but at least you won't be barbecued."

Candy raised her hand. "When can we start going out on patrol? I want to fight!"

The tiny Korean teenager was humming with excitement, a huge grin on her face and a small knife (where the hell did she get that?) in her hand.

"Um, no. We still have to work out all of the kinks before the younger members go out." Wendy shifted.

Candy scowled. "Dang it."

Wendy will never not think that it's funny that Candy refuses to say crap, damn, or even darn, but fuck, shit, hell, and all the rest are just fine. Grenda, at least, can swear like a sailor.

There was humming sound, and one of the pixies zoomed up to her. The pixie was purple all over, with different shades for her skin, eyes, hair, wings, and clothes. Wendy remembered that her name is Mauve.

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