Chapter Fourteen: Ectofire (Part Two)

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At long last! A new update! And right on the heels of Dipper and Mabel vs the Future, which caused me to scream and cry on the inside at school today while I tried to pretend that everything was just fine.

(Protect Mabel Pines she is Innocent 2k15)


Danny fiddled with the small silver metal bracelet on his wrist. It was covered in small green and blue markings that almost looked like they belonged on some sort of cyborg, and there was a small lime green 'button' on it that had his symbol carved into it-Wendy was far more creative than people tended to give her credit for.

The bracelet acted as both a shield to the scanners that picked up his ectosignature and as a tracking device. Wendy and Ford (as well as Dipper and Mabel, who were both still in Piedmont but tried to call every day) both knew whether or not he was in Gravity Falls, as well as roughly where he was at any given time. At least it wasn't too specific.

Currently, the ghost boy was waiting for Wendy to get out of school while sitting in a tree. The teenage girl was staying late for detention, because "apparently kicking a boy's ass is usually enough to get someone suspended or even expelled, which is why they don't have any proof that it was me."

When the doors of the school were flung open and Wendy hurled herself down the steps, Danny jumped out of the tree. He used just enough of his powers to get himself down easily but not enough to raise suspicion. If anyone had been around to see it other than Wendy, that is.

She reached out and ruffled his hair. "You ready for later?"

"Yeah. Do you think he's telling the truth?"

"Oh, probably. You don't just lie about a spaceship under the town where you live." Wendy grinned. "Plus, it certainly wouldn't be the weirdest thing that we've seen."

"No. But still the coolest! Do you think that there is still alien technology in there? Maybe they had pictures-or whatever counts as pictures on their planet-of stars and galaxies that we've never been able to see from earth!" Danny couldn't hide his excitement.

Wendy laughed. "I didn't know that you liked space."

"I love space. I always wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up. I know that I can't now, but... " Danny shrugged. "I still like the stars and the idea of exploring planets, though."

"I always wanted to be anything other than a full-time lumberjack. Being an astronaut sounds pretty cool though. I mean, obviously I could never actually be one, but it still sounds like an awesome job."

The ghost boy nodded eagerly. "You wanna go explore a spaceship?"

Wendy raised an eyebrow at him. "What kind of question is that?"


Wendy clambered down the rusty metal ladder that lead down into the saucer. Ford was beneath her and Danny was already at the bottom after sinking through the metal of the spaceship. He had promised not to run off and look around the ship without her, but they both knew it was a promise he would most likely break.

The teenager jumped down the last few feet. She looked round with wide eyes.

"This place is even cooler than that bunker down in the woods," she commented softly to herself.

Danny was up near the ceiling, studying some of the ancient symbols carved into the metal. Ford was looking around with a slightly nostalgic look on his face. He glanced over at Wendy.

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