Chapter Nineteen: Ectofire (Part Seven)

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So how about that new episode?

Graphic depictions of wounds in this chapter. Looks like it's a reoccurring theme.

I have no freaking idea about anything medically related unless it's a medicinal, edible, or deadly plant so I just bullshitted my way through it. Sorry!


Danny hurts.

He can't even tell if he's awake or asleep. Just that everything hurts.

Everything is red and grey and black and white and green.

Everything is spinning.

People are trying to talk to him.

"Danny, please. Please wake up. You have to wake up."

"You're going to be okay. I promise."

"I'm so, so sorry."

"Can you even hear me?"

Danny. His name is Danny.

Danny Fenton Phantom Fenton Phantom Fenton Phantom Phantom Pines.

And he's dying.

It hurts even more the second time around, or at least he thinks so. There's none of the sharp branching pain that comes with electrocution, but his body-specifically his chest-is in agony.

Vaguely, Danny is aware of someone standing above him and carefully setting him down on something soft and nice. A bed.

He tries to thank them and instead ends up coughing up blood onto the sheets. Whoever put him on the bed brushes the hair out off of his clammy forehead and then leaves.


No, please. Don't leave me here alone.

Danny almost screams but finds out that he can't.

He passes out again.


There are little snatches of wakefulness interspersed with the dreams-nightmares-memories.

People next to him discussing how to get whatever it is that hurts so much out of his chest. The act of breaking a part of it off, which makes him scream and cry and beg for the pain to end.

A man passed out on the floor next to him, soon replaced by two blobs of brown hair and what looks like a pink sweater.

Fiery lances of pain that stab into his flesh.


Wendy frowned at Ford. "You're sure that this is the only way?"

"No, I'm not," he admitted. "But it's the fastest one, and we have to get that out of him now."

Mabel stirred sleepily from where she was passed out on the sofa. Dipper had wrapped himself around her protectively. Nobody was going to take away his sister and hurt her ever again, not while he was alive.

"Wass goin' on," she slurred.

"Nothing, Mabel. Go back to sleep." Wendy tossed a blanket over the young twins.

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