Chapter Fifteen: Ectofire (Part Three)

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Hello naughty children are you ready for some pain up in here?

There will be some mild icky stuff in this chapter. Most likely not too graphic, but you have been warned. If it isn't to terrible, then it will be in the next one.


Dipper groaned and smacked his head against the desk. He was one hundred percent done with being in school, being in Piedmont, being anywhere except for Gravity Falls.

Mabel was equally frustrated with the fact that they were trapped in California especially when the Guys in White were after their friend. Sure, Danny could (mostly) take care of himself, and he had Wendy, Ford, and an entire police force of magical creatures to help him, but that didn't mean they could stand up to the US government, even if they had probably been bought by a corrupt billionaires.
Even if they might have been able to erase their memories like they had with Powers and Trigger (what agency did they even work for, anyways?), it would be easy for them to get re-triggered and remember everything just by turning on the news.

At the desk next to him, Mabel raised her hand. Mr. Matthews (yes, it was him again) stopped talking and blinked at her. "Yes, Miss Pines?"

"When are we gonna learn about good stuff?" She groaned. "Fun stuff. Like how unicorns are jerks! And what to do when you see a pixie and you don't have any shiny stuff on you. Not boring, gross humanities stuff."

Mr. Matthews rolled his eyes. "Miss Pines, unless you have something meaningful to add to this lesson, you can stay after class."

Mabel beamed, obviously confusing him. "Okay! Come on, Dipper."

She grabbed her brother's arm and pulled him out of the classroom, walking right past Mr. Matthews and the other students as if they weren't even there.

"Where are you two-"

The door swung shut behind them before their teacher could finish his surprised exclamation.

Mabel turned to her brother. "We have to get out of here. Something's wrong."

Dipper nodded in agreement. He could feel it too, something in the air that made you want to scream and cry and burn. Something big was coming.

And they needed to get to Gravity Falls.


Danny sped through the air at top speed, the rest of the world zooming past in a blur of motion.

Flight was his favorite power for a reason, and that reason was absolute freedom.

He paused in the air above the town, remembering to go invisible at the last minute. While most permanent residents were more than used to seeing strange things (especially once Wendy's police force had gained more traction with the town) there were still tourists and out-of-towners that had never even seen a gnome before.

And with the Guys in White looking for him... It just didn't hurt to be safe rather than sorry.

He dove down and slipped intangibly through several people's bodies, stopping beside a familiar face.

"Boo," he whispered in Wendy's ear.

The girl jumped a bit into the air, swinging around a hand that she only realized was empty of a weapon at the last minute.

She settled for lightly smacking the air where her friend was.

"Danny! Don't scare me like that! I'm too young to have a heart attack!"

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