Hi this is MaxO27. This is a NaLu story that i started a little while back. Hope you all like it. Please Comment.
Chapter 1
***Normal POV***
The sun was setting over the Heartfilia Mansion and five year old Lucy was lost in the garden. Her chocolate eyes were filled with tears as she continued to search for an exit but every turn was a dead end. Suddenly, she tripped other a stone and scraped her knee. Lucy sat down in a corner shivering and began to cry.
“Lucy?” said honey silk voice.
Lucy lifted her small head to see and young beautiful woman in a pink dress rushing towards her.
“Mama!” she cried in relief and hugged her mother, Layla Heartfilia. “Mama, I’m sorry that I went into the garden without you. I was so scared.”
“Shh,” her mother said trying to sooth the whimpering child while hugging her, “It’s alright. I am just glad don’t hu- oh no, did you hurt yourself?”
Layla frowned when she saw blood trickling from Lucy’s knee.
“Come on, let’s go inside and clean you put,” her mother put on a smile and took Lucy’s hand.
“Okay,” Lucy replied.
Her mother was always so kind and understanding. She hadn’t even scold at her when they got inside. Everyone in the mansion loved her dearly and Layla loved all the workers, but not as much as Lucy and her father.
Lucy was fine until she went to bed. Layla and her father, Jude woke up to hear Lucy screaming. They both rush out of bed and ran to Lucy’s room. The child was covered in sweat and was tossing and turning in her bed. Layla went over to the bed and woke Lucy up. She was painting and rapped her small arms around her mother’s neck.
“M-Mama, it was the dream again. He was scary and there w-was…fire everywhere. He was burning people…for f-fun and he was coming for m-me,” she was so scare.
“Don’t worry, Lucy, I will protect you. I will promise you something, as long as I am with you, nothing will hurt you and I am not going anywhere,” Layla said.
“Pinky swear?” Lucy asked.
Layla laughed, “Pinky swear,” and then she started humming Lucy’s favorite lullaby, the mockingbird.
When Layla thought Lucy was asleep, she got up and closed to door but Lucy heard what her mom and dad were saying.
“Jude, this is the fifth time this week that she has had that nightmare. I am beginning to worrying.”
Jude sighed, “I know and I think your right to worry. I think he wants our Lucy,”
Layla was silent for a minute, “No, no, no, not him. Not that monster. We cannot let him have Lucy,”
“Agreed, if this gets worse, I will hire someone from the wizard guild, Fairy Tail to help. They are always reliable,”
Layla sighed, “Okay, but if a wizard destroys our home I am blaming you,”
They both walked off to their rooms and left Lucy to her thoughts. What does this mean? Who is that man in my dreams? Is he this monster Papa knows? And what is Fairy Tail?
Little did the Heartfilia family know that a strange figure, many miles away, were getting closer to them and things would get worse…much worse.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 years later
Lucy wailed loudly in front of her mother’s grave. Layla had mysteriously died during the night and now Lucy was all alone. Her father grew bitter out of grief and didn’t talk to her anymore.
“Why, Mama? Why did you have to go? You pinky sweared that you wouldn’t go anywhere,” her eyes were now puffy from crying and you could see the tears even though it was raining.
“Do not despair child,” Lucy turned her head to see a short old man with a gray hair and mustache wearing funny close and holding an umbrella over her.
“W-Who are you?” she manage to say.
The old man smiled warmly, “An old friend of your mothers. She was a very beautiful and kind wizard you know,”
Lucy froze, “Mama was a wizard?”
He nodded, “Yes, a Celestial wizard just like you. Here,” he pulled out two gold keys “these were your mother’s. They are Celestial spirit keys, two of the twelve zodiacs. They will help you and befriend you when you called them,”
She wanted to say something but she only could say, “Thank you,” in a soft voice.
The man bowed and turned to leave but stop and said, “You should not grieve on the dead. You need to pick yourself up and walk with your head high to the future, do you understand me child?”
Lucy nodded and then noticed it had stopped raining
“Good, well I better be off,” he said. “I hope those brats didn’t destroy another town while I was gone. Ugh the counsel already doesn’t like Fairy Tail as of now,” he muttered to himself.
“Wait, sir I never caught your name,”
But he was gone.
Lucy became to walk back to the mansion.
'Fairy Tail, huh?'

Dreams and Nightmares
FanfictionEveryone knows about Lucy's sad childhood, but not the whole truth. Not even Lucy knows the whole story of her mother and father, and it seems the holes in her past would never be told. But on a job, her mother's spell with protected her for years...