A normal day...wait, What?

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Chapter 2

Year X791 (after the Tenrou arc)

***Lucy POV***

“Ugh,” I moaned and dropped into a seat at the bar where Mira was working.

“Whats wrong, Lucy?” the young white hair wizard.

“What do you think? It’s the same as ever. Erza sliced the city’s town hall in two, Gray froze everything solid, and Natsu...HE DEMOLISHED EVERTHING!!” I screamed.

“Aww, same old same old,” the barwomen smiled, “You all are such a perfect team,”

“Mira, you are missing the point. We lost the reward for the repairs and now I don’t have any money for rent this month,” I groaned. 

I looked across the guild and saw Natsu and Gray fighting each other.

“What did you say, squinty eyes?” Gray yelled.

“I said put on your cloths, droopy eyes!” Natsu spatted.

“But they are- crap how did that happen?” Gray look to see he was only in his boxers.

“Haha, you are a pervert, stripper,” Natsu laughed.

“What did you call me?” Gray said.

“You want to fight about it?” 

“Let go!”

“Boys! Are two to fighting?” said the stern voice of the red headed S-class wizard, Erza.

“N-No ma’am!” they both said at once.

Typical, Lucy thought and giggled to herself.

“Oh, are you looking at Natsu?” Mira said in a sly voice “I bet he liked you. Do you know how worried of you when you got kidnapped by the Reborn Oracion Seis, and the time you were kidnapped by the Phantom Lord Guild twice, and the time-”

“Okay you have made your point,” I yelled then it hit me. What Mira said was true. Natsu was always saving me from someone and was very protective. Am I really that weak?

The next thing I know, I am hit by a sudden headache. I was so bad that I fell over and almost hit the floor but two well build arms caught me.

“Oi, Lucy!” Natsu said concerned “Are you all right?”

I just laid in his warm arms in shock. My vision was blurry but I could defiantly tell everyone was worried. I tried to stand up but my legs were to wobbly causing Natsu to catch me again.

“Lucy, whats wrong? Are you hurt?” the rosy haired wizard asked.

“No, I’m fine just got a little light headed. I need to home now,” I faked a smile and with Natsu’s help, got up and walked out of the guild hall.

***Natsu’s POV***

Geez, what was that about? I thought as Lucy left the guild. I still wasn’t sure if she was okay. Maybe I should go and see that she got home without getting hurt…


I jumped to see the blue cat with worry in his eyes.

“Oi, Happy whats up?”

“Are you okay?” he sat on the counter of the bar.

“Yeh just…thinking about something?” I said.

“You are thinking about Lucy, aren’t you??” Mira shouted so loud that half the guild turned and looked at me.

I felt my face heating up, which is weird since I am the fire dragon slayer.

“Mira, Shhhhh,” I whispered in embarrassment. 

“OOOh, so you do like Lucy, ‘hic’,” a drunken Cana budged in.

“W-What do you mean?” I swear was as red as Erza’s hair.

“You know what I mean, Natsu, ‘hic’. You want her, don’t you? All for yourself, ‘hic’, so you both can do dirty things to her,” Cana smiled gleefully. 

“N-No, not like that!” I shouted.

“He liiiikes her,” Happy blurted.

“Not you too,” I growled, “Grrr, I need some air,”

“Huh, how do we know you’re not going to see Lucy?” Cana said sluggishly, waving a beer bottle over her head.

I didn’t say anything as I walked out the door of the guild hall.  


***Normal POV***

Lucy was miserable while walking home. Her head was pounding, but she didn’t feel dizzy anymore. It was already dark so Lucy decided to call up Plue, thinking she might feel better with him around.

Taking out a silver key she chanted, “Open, gate of Canis Minor, Nickora!”

Then there was a puff of smoke and then the little white dog with a carrot nose stood there shaking.

“PU,” says Plue as he greeted his master.

Lucy heaved a sigh, “Ugh, well at least I talk to someone now.”

Suddenly, she turned to see a hooded figure about ten feet in front of her. She could tell too must about the person, so by instinct placed a hand on her gate keys.

“Hello? Who are you?”

The figure didn’t answer, but drew a long saber out from under its cloak and ran forward.

It all happened so fast, that Lucy wasn’t able to call one of her spirits. She closed her eyes and was preparing for the blade but apparently she wasn’t the target. The figure and jumped over Lucy before swinging. Lucy heard a slash in the air and turned to see a freakin ten foot ogre was being beheaded.

How in hell did I not hear that thing behind me? 

The figure handed on its feet, cleaned off the blade and simply vanished into smoke. She looked back at the ogre’s remains just to see it also turned to smoke. 

Plue had apparently gone back to the spirit world in terror. She could blame him but not she was standing there alone wondering what in the world just happened.

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