***Normal POV***
Natsu ran out of the guild and heading towards Lucy’s apartment.
“Natsu,” Happy yelled flying beside him “Where are you going?”
“To Lucy’s,” Natsu said it like it was completely obvious.
Happy gawked and flew in front of the dragon slayer, waving his arms franticly making Natsu stop right in from of Lucy’s apartment.
“ARE YOU INSANE?” Happy cried out.
“What do you mean?” Natsu raised an eyebrow.
“You just hurt her feeling and now she is upset,” Happy started.
“But that why I am going,” Natsu whined.
“DON’T YOU GET! When she is upset, she wants to be alone, and when we don’t leave her alone, she gets mad. Then she gets ‘ERZA’ scary,” the blue cat shivered.
“Holy crap, your right,” Natsu freaked “What am I going to do?”
“Give her time to cool down. Girls are sensitive about things likes their space and wouldn’t listen when they are mad,” Happy said.
Natsu paused to think, “Wow, Happy. I never how wise-”
“Or give her a fish, that always make things better,” Happy added shooing away his last comment.
Natsu sighed and muttered to himself, “Never mind.”
Then an idea popped into his head, “Oh I know, I can leave her a letter,”
“Aye, that’s a great idea. Here use these,” Happy pulled out a small notebook and pen from his green bag.
“Here’d ya get that?” Natsu pointed.
Happy smiled evilly, “A month ago, remember, I found it when you looking through Lucy’s pretty panties,”
Natsu’s face when red, “N-No I wasn’t, I-I was um, just ch-check the laundry.”
Happy rolled his eyes, “SSSSSuuurrreee,”
Natsu quick took the notebook and paper and began to right.
I am vary vary sory.
(… no that’s too simple) he scribbled it out.
Hey Lucy,
Please don’t kill me-
(ok that make me seem weak) He restarted again.
I am sory that I called ya weak and that it sound like Happy is stronger than ya-
(Am I asking for a death sentence) Natsu tore out the page and paused.
Ok, I am not good at this but I’m sory. I wantd to tell you myself by I dont thinc ya want to cee me rite now. Also ya ar NOT weak. NEVR thinc that way. Cee ya in a little bit.
Ur nakamas, Natsu
P.s. Heres ur notebook bak
“Wow,” Happy said softly, reading the note, “I never thought,…”
“I never thought…THAT YOU COULD SPELL THIS BADLY, Natsu!” Happy laughed.
“Why you-” he stopped when he heard footsteps coming to the door from inside.
“Oh, crap I got to get out of here. Happy, give this to her. Bye.”
Then Natsu was gone in a puff of smoke. Next the door opened to a puffy, red eyed girl.
“Happy?” Lucy whispered.
“Hi, Lucy,” Happy shacked in fear “Here, Natsu wanted you to have this, Okay, bye.”
Then Happy flew away in a flash. Lucy picked up the notebook then read the note. She gave a small smile then turned around and walks back into the house.
i hope you like what i have so far. the moment i get 7 responses is when i will update the next one, do we have a deal
P.S. i choose 7 because i think thats Hiro Mashima's favorite number.
7 dragons through the gate
7 dragon slayers
dragons disappear 7/7 in X777
Lucy's mom dies same day as dragons.
the Fairy sphere lates 7 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see what i mean ;)

Dreams and Nightmares
FanfictionEveryone knows about Lucy's sad childhood, but not the whole truth. Not even Lucy knows the whole story of her mother and father, and it seems the holes in her past would never be told. But on a job, her mother's spell with protected her for years...