Sooo, Heres your smut!

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(3rd person!!!!)

"But Frankiiiieeee" Gerard wined and leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. They sat on the couch in the living room and were supposed to be watching Jennifer's Body. "Gee stop, I'm not in the mood. I just wanna watch my movie." Frank said sternly pushing Gerard away. Gee exhaled angrily and got up heading to their bedroom. "I'll show him" He mumbled as he went to his dresser.

Gee yanked open the drawer and pulled out Frank's favorite pair of lace panties he had bought for Gee on his birthday. Gerard slid off his pajama bottoms and underwear. He slipped on the panties and smiled at his reflection in the mirror. He walked back into the living room and saw Frank sitting down enjoying seeing the teen girl ruthlessly murdering other teens. Wierdo.

"Frankie," Gee purred in Frank's ear "Won't you come play with me?" He smiled as he watched Frank's focus turn to him. "What's up with y-"Frank stopped talking as he looked down at Gerard's panties. Gee blushed a bit and climbed over the couch and onto Frank's lap. " Daddy, please play with me?" He whispered into Frank's ear. Frank let out a breathy moan. "Good god Gee." He brought Gerard's face closer and their lips met. Their lips moulded as they worked together.

(Gee's P.O.V.)

God damn. Frank's kisses were too much. I loved the way his lip ring would brush up against my skin. "Frankie" I moaned into the kiss as he started kissing with more force. He licked my bottom lip and asked for entrance, I opened my mouth and as always Frank had been dominant. He pulled away for a second and I whimpered at the loss of contact. "Shh kitten." He began kissing down my neck as he layed me on the couch.

Frank began to place his kisses lower and lower. I bucked my hips up and bit my lip, earning a moan from Frank. He stopped at my hips and looked up at me smirking. He bit the elastic at the top of my panties and it flew back down with a loud snap. That's gonna leave a mark, but then again I did have hickeys trailing down my neck. Finally, Frank slid down my panties along with his pajama shorts and boxers. "D...daddy" I moaned. I needed this, I needed him, so much. He held a finger up to my lips and spread my legs apart. I blushed wildly, it wasn't like this was the first time he'd seen me like this, but I always felt so...helpless. He got up on his knees and positioned himself.
Fuck I needed him so bad! (A/N: @MCR_Is_Life told me I needed to add this part in so shout out to mah wife! WUT WUT!) "In Frankie! In!" I bucked up my hips only to have Frank push them back down. He lined himself up yet again and pushed in slowly. "Fu-Fuck!" He moaned and threw his head back as he pushed his whole length inside of me.

"Daddy!" I moaned and dug my nails into his back. Hey, he needed some marks too! Frank continued to pump into me moaning out strings of profanities. "I...I..." I managed to choke out between moans, "I'm gonna come!" Frank began to nibble on my neck again. And that was it I came all over mine and Frank's stomachs. Frank followed soon after with a grunt and even more, if that's possible, profanities.

A/N: Well then. I wrote that apparently. Sorry if it sucks ass, I'm just practicing my writing skills. Anyway! Leave suggestions for new chapters in the comments and please don't forget to vote! So long and goodnight! Xx

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