Awkward attempt at fem frerard

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A/N: awkward but hopefully not completely terrible smut warning???

Gee sat at the bar, twirling on the barstool closest to the corner, a lollipop in her mouth as her friend Lindsey was hitting on some random blonde chick. She probably shouldn't have come here considering she hated clubs and drinking in the first place but Lindsey was so excited and when she mentioned "lesbian club" Gee couldn't help but be curious.

So Gee sat there twirling around until a girl with black hair falling just above her shoulders and the coolest tattoos she'd ever seen grabbed the back of the stool and so that the two were face to face. 

Gee raised an eyebrow at the girl earning a playful smirk from her.   "My name's Frankie, what's yours?" She took a sip of the toxic looking drink in her hands.

"Gee, can I go back to spinning now?" Gee wasn't really in the mood for speaking, but she couldn't deny that this girl was hot.

"Wow," Frankie chuckled and placed her drink down on the table, the flashing lights making her skin glow in rather gorgeous colors. Gee made a note that this girl would be fucking amazing to paint. "How are you?" Frankie asked pushing a stray strand of red hair from Gee's face and behind her ear, watching her face go practically the same shade.

"I'm.. Umm," Gee suddenly felt the need to be cool and tried to think of a witty response that made her sound both cool and interesting, "I'm freakin zazzed."

Frankie burst out laughing and Gee mentally punched herself in the face. "I had no idea I was trying to flirt with my dad oh god!" Frankie managed between laughs.

Gee laughed awkwardly before taking a sip of her cherry coke because she was as straight edge as well something that's really straight.

"This place is almost as gay as me, wanna go for a walk?" Frankie offered finishing off her drink and leaving the glass for the rather out of place male bartender to grab.

"Ummmm...." Gee glanced at Lindsey who had stopped dry humping random blonde chick long enough to watch the amazingly awkward and rare sight that was Gee associating with human beings, "K."

Frankie grabbed her hand immediately and started guiding then through the crowd, the sexual tension in the cramped club probably being thick enough to cut through, and smiled "I'm so freaken zazzed!" Frankie mocked Gee playfully before they exited the club.

Gee looked the girl up and down and smiled at her outfit, a white t-shirt, black leather jacket, and skinny jeans, with a pair of combat boots to finish off the look. Gee then looked down at her own outfit and blushed seeing how childish she looked in a pink fucking tennis skirt, a random crop top that was in the back of her closet, a pair of white knee high socks practically blending in with her porcelain skin tone, and pink slip on shoes because who needed laces?


" the hell did we end up at your house?" Gee let out a breath as Frankie finally stopped kissing her and began throwing her top across the room, exposing more tattoos and a black bra. Gee was most definitely going to paint her but that was the last thing on her mind as Frankie started kissing up Gee's things getting closer and closer until, "Fuck!" Gee clenched her thighs together around Frankie's, or Francesca's and she had learned, head her hands pulling up fistfuls of the black covers as she licked a long stripe up Gee's practically soaked panties.

Frankie leaned back and painstakingly slowly pulled the white panties, with little kitten whiskers on the butt that Gee insisted she only had because it was laundry day and there was most definitely not a drawer full of ones like that at home, off and set them to the side before she pushed the red haired girl's legs apart and got right down to business.

Gee whined and squirmed as Frankie teased rolling her tongue in circles around her clit, the dove her tounge deep inside her only to pull it back out not even seconds later."Fuckfuckfuckfuck" was all that was leaving Gee's slit slicked mouth right now because her brain could hardly be bother to form sentences while a hot girls head was buried between her thighs. Gee started bringing her hips up to meet Frankie's tounge squirming around the bed panting, her teeth probably fucking destroying her now red lips from biting them so hard.

Frankie finally decided Gee had waited long enough and slammed two fingers inside of her still tonguing her clit at an unreal face and she was indeed real "fucking zazzed." She came arching her back and screaming out Frankie's name while also saying things that probably weren't even English before she collapsed back onto the bed.

Frankie got up and walked over to her wardrobe her matching black lingerie set fucking slaying Gee as she swayed her hips. Gee sat up and looked over confused as Frankie pulled out a white box that had a lock on it. "What's that?" Gee questioned but was quickly shut up as Frankie climbed onto her and kissed her roughly. "Be quiet okay baby? I wouldn't want gag you." Aaannnddd Gee knew where this was going holy fuck, this girl's bedroom was sin city.

Frankie unlocked it with some random set of numbers and pulled out a blindfold, tying it carefully around Gee making sure the knot in the back was tight enough, then pulling out a pair of cuffs and as carefully as she could cuffed Gee's arms above her head and to the headboard. "Kill me now this is so hot, wait don't kill me, please tell me you're not going to kill me." Gee started rambling before Frankie pressed a finger to her lips holding back a laugh. Frankie pulled out a vibrator and smirked to herself setting it on it's lowest setting and gently teasing Gee's already sensitive clit earning the cutest little moan from her. She began moving it in slow circular motions before turning it up to the next setting. Gee clenched her legs together and bit down harshly on her bottom lip, hopefully not drawing blood. Frankie smirked to herself letting out a low chuckle as she reached into the box pulling out another vibrator and sliding it slowly between Gee's folds driving her mad as she bucked her hips up letting a high pitched whine that drifted off into a moan.

Frankie moved the first vibrator away from the sensitive bud. "You can't come until I say you can, understood?" Gee slowly nodded her head and Frankie turned the second vibrator on it's highest setting, smiling as Gee whined and clenched her legs together, wriggling around as the pulses and vibrations spread to every inch of her body.

Frankie then positioned herself above Gee's mouth, gripping the headboard for support as she slowly lowered herself onto Gee's tounge gasping at how eagerly the younger began licking at her folds. She clenched her fists on the headboard her knuckles going white as she began moving her hips back and forth low moans leaving her lips and filling the room with even more sin.

A/N: Sin for the win k bye

Frankie moved her hips at a faster pace as Gee dug her tounge deep into her, sending her over the edge, Gee coming soon after without Frankie's permission but she could hardly care at this point while she rode out her high, Gee licking the remainder of her off of her lips and smiling. Frankie undid the handcuffs and put all of the toys away, collapsing next to Gee and pulling her in so she could be the little spoon.

Frankie pressed a kiss to the back of Gee's hair before she pulled the covers over them and the two drifted off to sleep.

A/N: If this was shit keep in mind, it's 2 am and this is the first lesbian smut I've written, I have no idea why there was handcuffs and shit but cool cool tell me how horrible you think this is in the comments lolkthnksbye

Feeling: fucking zazzed!!!!1!!

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