No bumsecks sorry m8s

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Holy fuck. Frank was currently on a seat inside of a plane on his way to meet Gerard. Gerard, his boyfriend. They'd been talking for years now and Frank saved up all his money, took extra shifts at work, sold some stuff, pretty much scrounged up all the money he could to afford this ticket. The turbulence wasn't even the thing making Frank nervous it was the fact that in a day or so he would be with Gerard. He would see Gerard, hug Gerard, and he could fucking kiss Gerard.

Although Frank was very excited to see Gerard he was also fucking tired and decided there was no way in hell he could sleep through the entire ten hours left in his flight.

"Sir? Sir wake up." A young lady shook my shoulder gently causing me to blink my eyes open slowly. "The flights over sir." Well fuck. I thanked her and rushed out.

After having to go through tons of security and finding my baggage I finally ran out to look for Gerard. From the corner of my eye I spotted a flash of red hair and ran in that direction smiling like a fucking idiot. Before he could even turn around and notice my existence I had tackled Gerard to the ground in a loving embrace. "Gee oh my fuck you're real and you're here and I'm here and we're together and I'm holding you in my fucking arms right now can you believe this I can't belie-" I was cut off from my rambling by Gerard pressing his soft lips to mine a smile spreading across his face as we stood up. We were inseparable and I clung to him for dear life almost as if when I let go he would cease to exist.

We stumbled our way into a nearby hotel giggling like schoolgirls as we held hands, kissed, hugged, held hands again, and just stood taking in the fact that this was all real. Gerard rented a room and we walked onto it.

I once again tackled Gerard locking him in my arms as we fell on the bed giggling. "You're real." I smiled and brought my hand up to his cheek just feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. "Course I am Frankie." He scrunched up his face and reconnected our lips for a while. I smiled into the kiss and began playing with his hair occasionally tugging softly on the bright red locks. "You're fucking adorable." He closed his eyes and cuddled me closer making my heart flutter and my cheeks grow an even brighter shade of red.

Gerard was sitting on the bed with me in his lap as we giggled and just enjoyed each other's company. "I love you." I looked up at him smiling. "I love you most." He giggled and placed his hands on either side of my head bringing our lips together. I blushed and placed my arms on his shoulders as we kissed softly for a while. We finally pulled away and just flopped on the bed sighing dreamily. I lay down and smiled as the warmth of Gerard's hand squeezed mine softly.

We finally fell asleep in each other's arms muttering soft I love you's as we drifted off into a much awaited slumber in each other's arms.

A/N: I wrote this cause I want cuddles and have no life fite me

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