Don't sleep, Frerard.

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A/N: Oi so basically they're in highschool and all and imagine the outfits from the I'm Not Okay video okay? Thanks. Also I'm trying to like improve my writing and all so if you guys have any criticism or tips it'd be soooo helpful if you leave it in the comments or pm me or something

Gerard twiddled his thumbs and he kept his eyes glued to the floor, his cheeks a soft pink color as Frank Iero walked by his jacket thrown over his shoulder as he practically strutted passed. Once he finally turned the corner Gee groaned and pushed back his long black hair, before closing his locker and following Frank into their science class. Gerard shuffled to his seat and winced as soon as Frank plopped his perfect ass down in the seat next to him.

"What's up?" Frank smiled showing off his perfect fucking teeth, and his perfect fucking face that Gerard couldn't stand.

Gerard glanced up to Frank, his eyes shooting back down to the desk in what was probably a split second. "N...nothing." He mumbled, speaking out of the side of his mouth, as always.

Frank chewed the tip of his pencil for a second before looking over at Gerard, who had somehow made a sketchbook materialize out of thin air. That or Frank had been watching too many movies and Gerard just pulled it out of his backpack, but come on the first was more interesting.

He continued glancing from the beautiful artwork Gerard was creating and then to Gerard face which scrunched up in the most adorable way when he was concentrating. "So anyways, wanna hang out after school?" Frank raised his eyebrow, which was also annoyingly perfect.

Gerard's heart probably stopped beating as the words left Frank's mouth and all he could do was let out an awkward noise and nod before shoving his face into his science textbook and pretending he gave a shit about whatever the hell was going on.


Gerard closed his locker and smiled to himself as he held his book bag to his chest walking slowly towards the exit to meet Frank. While Gerard was humming he was suddenly interrupted by someone grabbing his collar and shoving him against the nearby lockers, his book bag falling and sliding away. Gerard was terrified until he looked up and saw Frank Iero with an idiot grin in his face.

"Boo." Frank smirked before Gerard pushed him away, pouting like a child while Frank was laughing like this was the most hilarious thing since that kid Brendon got drunk and started rambling about history or something.

"You're such an ass." Gerard muttered as he bent down retrieving his bag.

"Actually, I'm up your ass." Frank snorted before adding a "no homo." Because he was just a sarcastic genius.

After the awkward events that occurred in the halls Frank and Gerard walked to Frank's discussing music and comic books. When they finally reached the gorgeous yellow house with white trimming at the end of the block.

Frank ran upstairs immediately Gerard following close behind as he chewed his thumb. Soon both boys were laying on Frank's bed staring up at the ceiling while music blasted through the stereo in Frank's room.

"Hey Gerard," Frank began turning his head so his eyes met with Gerard's, "do you like me?"

Gerard's eyes were probably the size of the moon and he thought his soul would leave his body as he nodded softly.

"Ah." Frank chewed his lip for a second before placing his right hand on Gerard's cheek and brought their lips together. After a few seconds Gerard finally snapped out of this state of shock and wondered what year it was before he started copying whatever the hell Frank was doing.

Frank let his hand slip slowly down Gerard's side before giving his hip a small squeeze, causing Gerard to gasp and open his mouth just enough for Frank to slip in his tounge. Frank sat up for a second, breaking the kiss as he placed his legs on either side of Gerard, then connected their lips again.

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