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Dear crush,

Newly developed and completely overwhelming, you've taken me by complete surprise. How could I like this guy I had laughed at the idea of since 5th grade? But I guess these feelings were long coming. About 8 months coming actually, when you screenshotted pictures from my snapchat story. I asked you why, and you nervously messaged about how good I looked and how you could delete them. I could almost imagine the nervous mumbles coming from your mouth rather than through text. I let you keep the pictures. Being complimented felt...good. I was never and still am not a girl that has a million guys falling at her feet. But you see, 8 months ago, I had a boyfriend. He and I had completely and utterly fallen for each other. And every time I had laughed at how middle school couples said "I love you" came back to slap me in the face when we exchanged our own promises. And now, after a breakup, it all comes back around to the feelings you made me feel. Less than two months after my first breakup, and today was the first day of high school. We started talking over snapchat again. I finally admitted it today for the first time. I have a crush.

I don't know what to do with all the feelings I have for you, so this journal seems like the best thing for me. I think this is normal. I hope how I feel about you is normal, because right now I just feel obsessive and pathetic.

-Yours Truly

Letters to My Crush (Yours Truly)Where stories live. Discover now