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Dear crush,

Was I under some delusion? Was it just me? Because in my mind, the things you said to me are things you say to someone you like. But I guess I'm still a little more naïve than I need to be. It's been almost a week since my last entry and it feels like you've ignored me. I'm okay with the realization that you do not like me and never will (I've felt that before), but why would you get my hopes up like that? Now I'm just clinging to the past and the things you said, in hopes that they still hold true. I snapped you, like, 5 times accumulatively over the past week, and yet, you haven't even opened them. That bugs me. I guess you were just playing me. I was just a tool - headless body for you to screenshot pictures of. What was I to expect? I'm never the girl that gets the guy. Last year was a fluke.

-Yours Truly

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