Chapter 9. Where Old Things End, New Things Begin... Or Do They..?

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-Len's P.O.V.-

Some how... I don't know how...  But some how... Rin had gotten into my room and talked me into going to the bake sell today... She had told me that the Shions had went home this morning before I woke up seeing how I was still upset... I didn't say anything though... I just walked over to the mirror when Rin left hearing my door shut... I seen my cheeks were red, while the rest of me was white... My eyes were still blood shot from where I had been crying all night long... I just sighed and picked out some white cargos and a yellow t-shirt. I put them on and slipped on my shoes after putting socks on... I honestly didn't feel like eating... not even a banana.. I just sighed a bit more... I then went out the door. 

"Rin, I'm heading on downtown." I said blankly. 

I didn't want Rin too see me like this, but too late... she already had already seen me in a mess... I kept walking downtown though.. I wasn't watching where I was going and heard a car beep. My eyes widened as I looked over to see a car almost hitting me but I felt myself being pulled foreward quickly and rolling on the ground being wrapped in someone's arms. I wanted to shout Kikaito hoping it was him who rescued me, again. But when I opened my eyes... I seen Dell...

"..You need to be more careful idiot, just because you're upset doesn't give you an excuse to do something stupid like that." Dell said looking down at me.

"I...know... sorry..." I said not knowing what else to say. I just let my head fall on Dell carelessly. I was not feeling good at all... and Dell.. I would rather not say. 

"yeah sure, just.. don't do it again." Dell said stiffening up before picking my up in bridal position and standing up. "You're going to the bake sell too right?" Dell asked and started to walk.

"yeah...why..?" I asked Dell a bit confused, looking up at him to meet his unreadable gaze.

"Easy, I'm going there too, remember Haku works there and I always help."  Dell said looking down at my hurting eyes that were obviously red. 

I remained quiet but felt Dell tighten his grip on my a bit more. I looked back up to him...

"Len.. Why.. are your eyes red.. What happened..?" Dell asked looking down at me. 

"I- um...well.. No-" I started but Dell interuppted me..

"Len. Don't give me that nothing. You're eyes are never red, they're always full of life and energy and sparkle. Now what's.." Dell paused then rememerbed something obviously, "It's the Shion brothers isn't it.." Dell more of stated than asked.

"Yeah..." I said quietly nodding...

"They.. need to quit upsetting you like this. If they upset you this bad, you shouldn't even be around them.. Ever.. " Dell said stopping and looking down at me.

"De-Dell..." I started but felt his gaze soften a bit bringing me closer.

"Len. Everyone knows, and would agree, that you should never be in this state. It.. doesn't suite you..." Dell said before walking again and looking away.

"Thanks..." I said and nuzzled into him, he tinsed up but then calmed down and softened.

.. .. .. ... .. ... ... ... ...

When we got there he had sat me down on a chair and sat next to me... I just glanced at Dell and seen him looking at me as if I was the only one there. I blushed a bit and quickly looked away... I didn't really know what to say to him till I heard a chair being pulled up next to mine and felt arms being wrapped around me. My eyes widened.. Surely this couldn't be Dell... He wasn't the type! ... I looked over to see Mokaito there... He was smiling at me, as usual... but.. I couldn't smile back and pushed his arms off before standing up and walking away... I didn't want to be the one in the middle of everything anymore... I never asked for this... I never wanted it... I sighed a bit before feeling those same red eyes looking at me... I just looked up... Dell was staring right at me.

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