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He brings you back to life

Dean: Dean screamed for Castiel, after awhile Castiel came and saw you on the ground "I will save her for you Dean" Castiel walked over and pressed his fingers to your forehead, you glowed a dull yellow and your eyes flutter open "Dean" You call out confused

Sam: Castiel flashed to Sams side and didn't say anything, pressing his fingers to your forehead you woke up and Sam hugged you "Thank you Cass" Sam looked at the angel, Castiel smiled "It wasn't her time to go"

Castiel: Castiel wiped his eyes, and straightened up, closing his eyes he brought you back to life using his powers, your eyes fluttered open "Cass" You said weakly Castiel kissed you softly

Gabriel: Gabriel didn't think and brought you back to life, you woke up confused and looked at him, your wound is healed "I have you baby" Gabriel rocked you guys back and forth

Lucifer: After months of you being dead, Lucifer manages to find away to bring you back to life, once you wake up you find yourself in your bed Lucifer walks over to you "Don't ask what i did okay" Lucifer looks at you

Adam: Castiel walks over to you guys "If you want me to save her, I can Adam" Adam nodded his head and did what he normally does, after minutes you wake up gasping. Adam held you close to him

Balthazar: After a couple minutes Balthazar brings you back to life, "What happened" You ask confused looking around "Nothing i can't fix" He kissed your forehead

Crowley: Crowley didn't know how to thank Castiel for doing what he did, without saying a word Castiel fluttered off and you woke up, Crowley pulled you closer to him

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