Supernatural Imagine

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Snowballs with Castiel

Giggling you hid behind a tree, a small snowball was held in your hand, you never knew your angelface could be quite the snowball fighter, seeing Cass in your sight you moved to throw the snowball, only for him to disappear and reappear behind you, grabbing your waste he threw you and him into a snow bank

"Cas this isn't how the game is played" You frowned, chuckling he kissed your nose

"I know, but i like it this way" Cas smiled at you, you moshed the snowball into his head

"I win" You smirk kissing his lips before he could whine about the unfairness, pulling you face away you sniffled "Let's go warm up, I'm getting cold" nodding his head he picked you up bridal style and carried you back into the bunker

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