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DKM= Daddy Kid Moment "Excitement"

Dean: "Marcia please sit down and listen to your father" You yell at your 7 year old, you are trying to pack her lunch for her first day at school

"Mom I can't, I start grade 2 tomorrow and I can't wait", Dean looks at you with eyes begging for help

"She's your daughter" You smile, placing an apple into her lunch

Sam: "DJ calm down" Sam pleads your son, you are sitting on the couch as Sam chases your 8 year old

"School! School! School!" DJ yells happily laughing,

"Like father like son" You kiss Sams cheek before picking up your son heading to his room

Castiel": "You deal with Cody, I'll deal with Fawn" You tell your angel, Cody and Fawn found out they are going to be visiting Uncle Dean and Sam tomorrow and can't hold their excitement, for 2 year olds they sure are smart

Gabriel: "Lucas go to sleep" You groan, Gabriel is not having any other luck with Lucas's twin Carter, your year old sons are just very happy and can't calm down for bedtime

Lucifer: "Luicella please stop and calm down" Lucifer chases your 4 year old down the hall

"Gabey is coming! Gabey is coming!" Lucy giggles, excited to see her unlce

Adam: "Samantha calm down" Adam groans, your 4 year old can't wait to see her Uncles the next day, she won't stop running around breaking things

Balthazar: "Anthony stop and stand still" Balthazar angrily yells at your son, Anthony stops and sticks his tongue out at your husband, you giggle when your son runs of screaming and Balthazar chases him

Crowley: "Mia stop my darling" Crowley groans, your 10 year old stops from mid sentence telling a demon to make her pizza

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