Attack of the snowman 1

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'Lost satellite reception...' Geoff Bluth glared at the GPS device on the dashboard ofhis car. It was late, he had been driving for hours and all he wanted was to find hishotel, have a nice hot shower and collapse into bed. And now it was snowing.Terrific. He pulled over to the side of the road and called the hotel.'Hello, hi! I'm checking in tonight but I'm lost and wanted to make sure you didn't giveaway my room. Bluth. B-L-U-T-H. That's great, thanks. I can't be too far. I've beendriving around town for ages. This snow is really picking up.' Geoff caught sight of aman crossing the street. He wore a grey pin-striped suit and bowler hat, and despitethe snow, he wasn't using the umbrella he was carrying.'Miss, would you mind hanging on? I'm just going to ask a chap on the street where Iam. Won't be a tick.' Geoff left his mobile on the driver's seat as he opened the cardoor. He called out to the man, who was beginning to disappear from view.'Sir! Sir, could you help me?' Leaving the car door open, Geoff hurried after thesuited figure who didn't respond to his calls. 'I'm lost!' Geoff has almost reached himand gently tapped him on the shoulder. The stranger turned, raising his bowler hatby way of greeting as he did so. Geoff's eyes widened in horror at what he saw, ascream catching at the back of his throat.A young woman's voice drifted across the cold night air.'Hello, Mr. Bluth, are you there? Hello?' Her only reply was the efficient voice of theGPS.'Lost satellite reception, lost satellite reception...'***Ten days later, Louie Rollins was navigating his way across town on his snowboard.Well not his snowboard, it belonged to Mrs. Wharbuoy's daughter but she was awayat university, so his neighbour had lent it to him. It had been a lifesaver. With theroads and pathways choked with snow it was impossible to get around on foot, or onhis bike. And if there was one thing Louie disliked it was being cooped up indoors,especially as there was no power for the telly or his computer games. As he approached his cousin Millie's house, he decided to zigzag around thenumerous snowmen that stood on the field at the back of her house. They wereeverywhere - a readymade slalom course.He zipped between the snowmen and was on the final approach to Millie's backdoorwhen he clipped the last one and started to spin out of control. Although the backgate was open he was going too fast. Way too fast. Panicking, he tried to correcthis balance and regain control, but it was too late, he was going to smash into thehouse, and at this speed...At the last possible second the door opened and Louie managed to steer himselfinside. The snowboard slid from under him and he crashed into the kitchen in aheap. Sheepish but unhurt, Louie looked up at his Aunty Rachael who was standingover him, open mouthed, her hand still on the door handle.'Sorry, Aunty. I haven't quite mastered it yet.''So I can see,' she replied as she tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle a laugh As the TARDIS span through the space-time vortex, the Doctor was dancing aroundthe console, pulling levers and twiddling knobs seemingly at random; he was excited.Now that he was travelling on his own he had decided to indulge himself. Next stopthe Salcreyan Nebula, and more precisely the moment of its birth.'The greatest firework display in history!' the Doctor declared triumphantly, as heskidded to a halt looking pleased with himself. 'I have no idea why I've never beenbefore.'Without warning the TARDIS lurched violently, throwing the Doctor first against theconsole before sending him spinning to the floor. As he scrambled to his feet, theTARDIS steadied herself and the engines roared as the ship began to materialize.'Where have you brought me, old girl?' the Doctor asked. 'Certainly not the nebula...'The engines died down, until all that could be heard was the steady background humof the TARDIS. He adjusted a dial, slowly drumming his fingers on the adjacentsurface, as he took note of the readings. His brow furrowed, the Doctor made for thedoor.***'Hello, Mills!' Louie said as his cousin came into the kitchen having heard thecommotion from her bedroom. 'Snowball fight?''It looks as though you've been in one already,' Millie giggled as she looked at hissnow-covered coat. 'Why didn't you just call?' she asked, before catching herself.'Ugh, I forgot for a second, our mobiles are dead and no regular telephone lineseither.'

((((watch part 2 of attack of the snowman)))

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