Attack of the snowman 7

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'The Council? But The Council was deposed in a popular uprising years ago. All themembers of the council were reported killed as they attempted to flee the planet.'Hazneer smiled. 'Nearly right Doctor. Our bodies died but we survived.''That just makes no sense,' interrupted Louie. 'You're walking and talking. Notmany dead folk do that.''Our bodies are no more than cadavers animated by our consciousness.''You mean...'Fasheith unbuttoned his suit jacket and pulled open his shirt revealing decaying flesh.'I thought the Council of the Dead was just a myth, a scary story to tell Scrollnéefawn,' said the Doctor disbelievingly. 'But here you are resorting to petty crime; Iwouldn't like to be in your rather shiny black shoes when the Judoon catch up withyou.''The Judoon are no match for us.''Fighting talk, I'll give you that, but a few dead people against an entire planet, andthe intergalactic police?''We may be few, but our business transactions have provided much wealth, and withwealth comes power. Power to buy advanced weaponry and assemble armies on anunimaginable scale.''Still, one nasty fall, and you're not going anywhere,' rejoined the Doctor.A woman Scrollnée stepped from the shadows.'Enough!' secure him. More Scrollnée appeared, grabbing hold of the Doctor,strapping him to the machine next to Louie. For dead people they had a very firmgrip.'Killing us won't achieve anything,' Rachael told them as she staggered forward.The woman observed her. 'Killing you will amuse me no more,' she replieddismissively, 'but when we kill the Doctor, the last of the Time Lords, he will begin toregenerate.' Finally the Doctor understood the full extent of their plan.'That's why you wanted me. You're going to try to use my regeneration energy torejuvenate your bodies, to live again.''You cheat death Doctor, and now the Council of the Dead will too, we will be reborn!Extinguish life!'As the machinery was activated, every fibre in the Doctor's body was on fire, he wasbeginning to lose consciousness, a regeneration imminent. Faint yellow light began ©BBC, 2011- 20 -to emit from his fingertips which was channeled to the members of the council whostood around him.As the light began to intensify, a gust of wind swept through the room, a wheezing,groaning sound filling the air. The TARDIS materialized on the far side of the roomand Millie stepped out confidently. She was holding an egg-shaped device in herhands. 'Release him, now!'But the Scrollnée ignored her as they fed on the energy. Realizing they weren'tgoing to comply, Millie pressed a small indentation on the device. The effect wasimmediate and dramatic.The yellow light abruptly vanished, and the Scrollnée council screamed in unison. Asthey fed on the energy they had relaxed their mental holds on their bodies. Withouttheir overriding will to live, the bodies began to twist into grotesque shapes, beforecollapsing onto the floor. Soon they were no more than dust on the breeze.'Now that's what I call an entrance, Mills!' exclaimed Louie, as Millie began torelease him. Rachael did likewise for the Doctor, before hugging her daughter.'But how did you pilot the TARDIS?''Oh, I didn't, not really. The Doctor gave me a homing device to plug into the console,and as soon as I did the TARDIS dematerialized, bringing me here. And the Doctorjust happened to have this little thing,' she said holding up the powerful contraption,'on him when he found me in the woods.''You knew it was the Council of the Dead all along?' asked Louie incredulously.'I saw a man in a pin-striped suit and bowler hat out of the corner of my eye when wewere attacked in the street. Not typical wear these days.''So you were just stringing them along, earlier?''I needed to give Millie time to reach the TARDIS,' he replied. The Doctor strodeover to the Scrollnée's controls. 'A few minor alterations should take care of ourunfriendly snowmen.' All across Europe the snowman sentries disintegrated aspower surged through their robotic bodies.'What about the Zu'nar? Aren't they still out there?' asked Rachael.'To them this was a simple business transaction. I expect the Council told them theyhad dominion over the Earth. When I appraise them of the situation, they'll withdrawgracefully. They won't want to face the Judoon.' Millie was glancing around.'Have you seen a man? He's called Geoff - he was being held captive with me.' Hermother's face dropped and Millie thought she was going to cry. 'I told him I'd comeback for him.' ©BBC, 2011- 21 -'No, no, Millie, it's OK,' said the Doctor. 'I found him discarded in a corridor where hehad been left to die, but he's tougher than the Scrollnée gave him credit for. He'salive, Millie.'Relieved, she smiled. 'We must get him to the hospital,' she declared.***Several days later, the sun had melted the accumulations of snow, and life wasslowly returning to normal. Millie and Louie were sat on the swings in the local parkwith the Doctor, gently rocking back and forth. It was hard to believe everything thathad happened.'So when your parents said I could take you out for a day, I had something a littlemore exciting in mind,' as he nodded his head towards the nearby TARDIS.***The friends stood on the threshold of the TARDIS, looking out.'Three, two, one,' counted down the Doctor. And in the blackness of space a brilliantblue lighted erupted on the horizon before a cascade of colors spread out beforethem.'The Salcreyan Nebula...' whispered Louie, as the cousins held hands and watchedin amazement.


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