attack of the snowman 4

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'Hello, hello? Can you hear me? My name's Millie. Millie Peterson!' But he didn'treply. He was unconscious or worse. She tried to see if he was breathing, lookingfor the slightest movement in his chest but it was too dark. She looked around therest of the room. Old brickwork, and she could hear a steady drip of water not too faraway. Some kind of abandoned building? Rather incongruously, a console stoodjust off to her left. She hadn't seen anything like it before. The cuffs weren't tootight, and she had small hands, maybe she could free herself...After a few minutes her wrists were red and sore from the effort, she could nearly slipthem through but not quite. A door creaked open that she hadn't noticed before.Silhouetted in the doorway was a tall, thin man, wearing a bowler hat. Millieinstinctively knew he wasn't there to help her.***As Louie and Rachael reentered the console room in their change of clothes, theDoctor had his back to them, leaning over the console.'Come and look at this,' he said not glancing around. On the screen was a streetmap, and a building on the outskirts of town was highlighted. 'What's that?' heasked.'It's an old manufacturing plant,' Rachael told him. 'It closed in the eighties, therewas some talk of it being developed into luxury apartments a year or two back, butnothing ever came of it.''Well that's where Millie is,' the Doctor told them.'How do you know, Doctor?' asked Louie 'And that's the far side of town on the otherside of woods. How could she have gotten there so quickly?''Anyone who travels in the TARDIS is left with trace elements of chronon energy intheir system, and there's an chronon energy signature in that building.''Millie?''It seems very likely, and there's plenty of phosidium in the immediate area too.''So what are we waiting for?' said Rachael making for the doors.'Aunty, we don't have to go anywhere, we can go in the TARDIS can't we, Doctor?'The Doctor didn't immediately respond. 'Louie you made a good point. How was Millie transported several miles in thisheavy snow so quickly? And why have they taken one girl out of millions? What'sso special about her?''She's very special, Doctor,' shouted Rachael with more force than she intended.'I know, Rachael, I know, that's not what I'm saying.' He placed a reassuring hand onher shoulder. 'Millie is remarkable young lady, but what makes her special to thealiens?''She knows you,' suggested Louie.'Right!' declared the Doctor, 'and that's what worries me. If they took Millie becauseof her connection to me, then they are willing to take on a Time Lord, and everythingthat entails. So we leave the TARDIS here. Besides,' said the Doctor as he pattedthe console affectionately, 'she doesn't exactly make a quiet entrance.''So how do we get there, Doctor? We need to rescue my daughter, it will take hoursto walk in this snow, and it will be getting dark soon.' But the Doctor had an idea.***Finally, the silhouette in the doorway spoke. 'A simple human female. Intriguing.''Who are you, and what do you want with me? I have friends. They'll be coming forme.''Oh, I don't doubt that,' replied the figure as he advanced into the room. He tilted hishead to one side as he studied her. 'You're not the innocent schoolgirl you appear tobe are you?''I don't know what you're talking about.''You're imbued with chronon energy, that's why the sentry brought you here. You'rean associate of the Doctor.''What doctor? Doctor Lamb? The GP?''Act a fool by all means, girl, but don't treat me as one.' He was now standing overher, a cruel evil smile on his lips. The Doctor is sentimental, weak. He'll soon comefor you.' He removed his hat revealing horns on either side of his head, as he tracedone of his fingers down her right cheek. Millie flinched, but managed not to scream.'Your bravery is misplaced child, soon we will have the Doctor and you will be dead.'Silently the alien left the room.Desperately, Millie tried to reach inside her coat pocket.***'Hoverboards!' exclaimed Louie excitedly as the threesome sped towards Millie.'Woo hoo!''Amy picked them up for Rory, boys do like their toys,' shouted the Doctor - the airwhistling passed made it hard to hear. The boards were hovering several inchesabove the snow, instantly correcting their height for an upcoming obstacle.'I can't even roller-skate; how am I staying on?' asked a rather fearful Rachael,convinced she was going to tumble off any second.'Oh, don't worry, they self correct any imbalance. At this speed we'll be there in afew minutes. We'd best go around the woods though, I don't like the idea of trying tonavigate through the trees,' said the Doctor.***Millie's fingertips grasped the object in her pocket and gingerly she pulled out herchapstick. Very gently, she pulled off the cap that tumbled to the floor and started torub the lubricant on her left wrist.'If I can just get enough onto my hand...' After several minutes of carefully applyingthe greasy substance without dropping the tube, she rolled her thumb and little fingertowards each other, and very gently slid her hand out of its restraint. 'Yes!' sheproclaimed triumphantly, quickly freeing her second hand now she could move moreeasily. Reaching down she untied her shoelaces and kicked off her boots. She wasnow able to wiggle her feet free. Jumping down she scooped up the boots and wentover to the man laying next to her. His breathing was shallow, but he was alive.'I'll be back, I promise,' Millie whispered to the man, who stirred at the sound of hervoice.'Geoff,' he said weakly.'Hang on, Geoff, I'll bring help.' Putting her boots back on, she tiptoed to the door.Seeing the coast was clear she glanced back at Geoff and hurried away.***'Doctor, will the boards be OK going over a frozen river?' asked Louie, as they racedtowards a local steam.

((((watch part 5 attack of the snowman))))

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