Attack of the snowman 6

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Zu'nar may wish to modify their order.' Hazneer was impressed by his colleague'sfindings, but refused to acknowledge it.'I will alert the rest of the council,' he said simply.***The red glow from the sentries' eyes seemed to be moving off into the distance.'Now or never,' Millie thought to herself, but as she went to stand something claspeditself around her mouth. How could she have been so foolish! But then whateverwas holding her released her gently. She turned and relief flooded through her.'Doc...' But she fell silent as the Doctor held a finger to his lips. He motioned for herto follow him.***'The Zu'nar are examining your findings,' said Hazneer tersely. Fasheith ignored histone. He knew the Zu'nar wouldn't be able to resist what they were now able to offer,and he had found the Doctor, the key to their salvation. Geoff Bluth began to stir.'Another example of the superiority of the younger units,' declared Fasheith. 'Theelder human has been unconscious for hours.'Louie had been listening closely to their exchange and now made himself heard.'What, you think children are superior to adults? Tell me something new. Every kidon the planet knows that.''Which is why the Zu'nar will purchase juvenile specimens of your species.''You're going to sell children?''Precisely, so we have no need for these decrepit specimens,' said Fasheithindicating Rachael and Geoff. 'Extinguish life!' he ordered the sentry. The man letout an involuntary gasp and Rachael fell to her knees as the sentry moved forward tocarry out his instructions.***The Doctor was approaching the side door of the factory. The lock was rusted shut;the sonic wasn't going to work. Rummaging around in his pockets he found a pieceof wire, and carefully started to unpick the lock, failing to notice the sentry watchinghis every move.***'Stop!' commanded Hazneer, and the sentry disengaged. 'Humans are sentimentalcreatures, the woman may be useful in controlling the boy.' Fasheith nodded inagreement. Rachael was racked with pain, lying on the floor, but alive. ©BBC, 2011- 18 -'Oh, Aunty,' said Louie in despair.'The male is all but dead, remove him,' said Fasheith dispassionately. As the sentrymoved to obey, it turned towards Fasheith, silently communicating with him. 'TheDoctor is here.''Have the sentries apprehend him!' Hazneer barked.'No, let him think he has the element of surprise, he is coming to us.''I'll summon the others.'***The Doctor steadily made his way through the building. Despite the numeroussentries outside there appeared to be none inside, and it was eerily quiet. He hearda faint noise in the distance - a woman in pain - he moved deeper into the structure.***'What do you want with us?' Louie demanded.'We don't want you, human,' Hazneer replied, 'You're nothing more than acommodity to be bought and sold on the intergalactic markets. And the Zu'nar arewilling to pay a very generous price for each batch of 100,000 units.''You're going to sell 100,000 people into slavery?'Both aliens laughed contemptuously. 'We are selling thousands of batches, and willcontinue to do so indefinitely. We will rotate through your continents in turn so as toensure a steady supply. By the time the other continents are exhausted, supplies onthis continent, Europe, will have replenished. A constant source of income for theCouncil, and workers for the Zu'nar.''But against every known intergalactic law,' interrupted the Doctor who was leaningrather nonchalantly against the open doorway.'At last we meet, Doctor,' said Hazneer, but the Doctor ignored him as he helpedRachael to her feet.'Millie?''She's safe. Far away from here by now.' The news calmed Rachael; whateverhappened to them, her baby girl was going to be OK. Still weak she leaned againstthe wall for support. The Doctor turned his attention back to the aliens.'You're Scrollnée; when did you become slave traders?''We're not just Scrollnée, we are The Council, their leaders.

((watch part 7 attack of the snowman))

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