attack of the snowman 2

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'Is there any news, Mum? Do we know when we might have power back?''Sorry, luv, the morning news bulletin was just the same as yesterday. Power is outacross Europe, and with the roads blocked, power lines down and petrol stations notworking, it's not going to get better anytime soon.' She patted her old radioappreciatively. 'Without this we wouldn't have a clue what's going on.''Mum listens to the news on the car radio,' chimed in Louie. All three fell into silence,lost in their own thoughts for a second, when suddenly Little Mix's Cannonball,blared through the kitchen.'Oh, my giddy aunt,' murmured Rachael as they all jumped at the sudden noise.'Why can't you have a normal ringtone Millie?' But neither her daughter nor nephewanswered as they simply stared at the ringing phone on the countertop.'It's ringing, Mum!''I can hear that.''But the battery is dead and there's no reception...' As her daughter's words sank in,Millie tentatively reached for the phone. She hesitated for a second before snatchingit up.'Hello?' Without another word she ran across the room and flung the backdoor open.'Doctor!' And there, stood in the doorway, was their weird, mad, extraordinary andutterly brilliant friend the Doctor. Stepping inside he scooped up Millie and Louie in abig bear hug.'You've grown,' he said as he put them down, and much to her surprise air-kissedRachael on both cheeks.'So've you,' replied Louie, delighted to see his eccentric friend.'Well it has been over two hundred years,' he responded. 'I don't know, I think I lookrather fetching,' he said as he adjusted his bow tie.'Two hundred...' Millie's voice trailed off. 'Never mind.''Now what am I doing here?' asked the Doctor.'That's rhetorical right?' cut in Louie.'What? Rhetorical?' said the Doctor. 'Ohh, I like that word. Rhetorical. Ret-oracle.Rhet-or-icle,' as he tried out different pronunciations and inflexions. 'Hmm, no, not a bit of it. What am I doing here? I was on my way to witness the creation of theSalcreyan Nebula when I was dragged off-course.''What could do that to the TARDIS?' asked Mille.

'Something powerful and alien.''That's not likely though is it? More aliens in our town? The most exciting thing thathappens here usually is the annual fun-run.''Fun-run?,' asked the Doctor quizzically. 'Isn't that an oxymoron? Oh I like that wordtoo...' Louie cut the Doctor off, before he started dissecting another word.'But if there is an alien, how do we find it?''I'm not sure...' The Doctor's face darkened. 'I checked for signs of alien energysignatures, and any anomalous readings, when I landed, but nothing. Zip. Nada.Have you noticed anything unusual since the start of the storm?' the Doctor askedhis friends.'A businessman was reported missing the night the storm started,' Rachael told him,'his car found abandoned near the centre of town, but that's likely to just becoincidence.''Possibly,' mused the Doctor. 'You two?' They both shook their heads, but theDoctor noticed Millie hesitate slightly.'What is it Millie? Anything might help.''It was something Louie said just before you arrived Doctor. He wanted us to go fora snowball fight.''So?' inquired her cousin.'It hasn't snowed in days, and it's been above freezing during the day, so surely thesnowflakes should melt and then freeze together overnight. But the snow is still lightand fluffy.'A smile slowly spread over the Doctor's face. 'Come on!'***A few minutes later the Doctor was kneeling in the snow, his friends stood aroundhim. Millie and her mum now wearing thick gloves, coats and boots. 'It feels likesnow,' and lowering his face to the cold surface, 'and it smells like snow.' Hescooped up a tiny amount of fresh looking snow and gently placed a tiny amount onhis lips. 'But it doesn't taste like snow! Well it does, you wouldn't be able to tell, but Ihave a very sensitive tongue. See?' The Doctor stuck his tongue out wiggled itaround slightly as he tried to identify what he could taste. 'It's phosidium! Just atrace amount but it's definitely there.''Phosidium?' asked Louie, 'I don't remember that one from chemistry.''That's because it doesn't exist on Earth, or this solar system. The TARDIS is justaround the corner, I'll be able to track down any concentrations of it anywhere on the planet.

(((watch part 3 on attack of the snowman)))


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