the night after halloween 2

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Louie Rollins and Millie Peterson were giggling away in the playground as they leftschool for the day.'And when Dad saw you with...' Millie couldn't complete her sentence she waslaughing so hard. Louie, too, was laughing hysterically, as they remembered theHallowe'en party the night before.'Oh, I wish it was Hallowe'en every Sunday night,' he exclaimed. Not only were Millieand Louie best friends but they were cousins too, not that you could tell by looking atthem. Louie was tall and thin with straight blonde hair, while Millie was shorter with amop of curly black hair. They had been born within a few days of each other tenyears ago and were always together, partners-in-crime.Millie lived close to the school, but Louie's home was on the other side of town. Louiewaved cheerfully at his best friend who waved back and he clambered onto his bike.Louie was in a good mood, Monday was his least favorite day in school but it wasover now and he was off home to see his newborn sister.Checking his lights were working properly, he rode away, waving to Millie one lasttime. The road ahead was being dug up, so rather than go his usual route, hedecided to turn right early and cycle through the industrial park. It was actually ashortcut, but a bit steeper, so it wasn't really out of his way.Panting for breath a little as he cycled, Louie raised himself out of the seat to make iteasier going uphill. Suddenly his back tyre started to wobble and he nearly fell off.He managed to brake and put one foot on the ground. Looking back he saw his reartyre was flat.'I don't believe it!' he exclaimed. There was no way he could cycle home like this andhe didn't have his puncture repair kit with him. Glancing around he could see that hewas surrounded by warehouses, but most of them were dark and look deserted. Butlight was escaping onto the street from one just up ahead, its large metal door ajar.Louie propped his bike against the wall and called inside. ©BBC, 2012- 5 -'Hello, hello, is anyone there?' Nobody answered but he could hear somebodymoving around inside. He tried to push the sliding door open further but it wouldn'tbudge. So turning sideways he squeezed through the gap into the building.It was huge and in the roof high above were some very dirty skylights, but theyweren't letting much light in as it was getting dark outside. In the gloom he couldn'tsee anyone or anything clearly, just strange shapes, leaving long shadows on theconcrete floor. He heard that same noise again, someone was definitely in here.'Hello? Can you help me? My bike has a puncture, I need to call my mum!' But therewas no reply. Dejected, he stood there for a minute or two before squeezing throughthe door once more. It was really getting dark now.'The clocks went back last night, that's why it's getting dark so early,' Louie realized.He didn't want to walk the several miles home and besides, he needed to get amessage to his mum. Unclipping the light from the front of his bike, Louie went backinside, and shone the light around.'Wow.' As he moved the beam of light around the room he could see this was awarehouse full of Hallowe'en paraphernalia; cauldrons, jack-o'-lanterns, broomsticks,toy spiders, even a grandfather clock. Not only were there hundreds of these itemslaying out, but there were rows and rows of boxes, stacked high in aisles, making itimpossible to see very far.Louie went over to the closest group of items. Touching a cauldron he realized it wasstone, not plastic like you saw in the supermarket, and the broomstick was made of areal branch and twigs. He heard a scuffling noise, which made him jump. Shining hislight around he couldn't see anyone and no one answered his calls for help.'If I can just find a phone, it's only a local call...' But his train of thought wasinterrupted by that sound again, closer now. Tentatively, he made his way deeperinto the warehouse towards the noise. In the beam of light he noticed a trail on thedusty floor; it looked as though a large box had been dragged along. Following themarkings in the dust, he turned a corner and at the end of the aisle he could justmake out a man crouched over a box, seemingly oblivious to his presence.'Excuse me, can you help? I need to call home, do you have a phone I can use?'The man didn't respond or acknowledge his presence. Maybe he was hard ofhearing Louie reasoned as he walked closer. Surely though he should have seenhim? He was close now, the man was wearing a coat with the hood up; Louie shonethe light directly on him and the figure turned towards him. Louie screamed.The man's face was horribly disfigured, his skin gray and peeling away and his eyesblank, lifeless. Louie stood there petrified, unable to move, when he felt someone taphim on the shoulder. Louie nearly jumped out of his skin. A tall thin man wasstanding beside him. He was wearing a tweed jacket like his granddad wore, bracesand a bow tie. The man had one finger pressed up against his lips and with his otherhand, he beckoned Louie to follow him.

(((watch chapter 3 of the night after halloween)))

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